part where the swell of the neck is about three inches in diameeter, to one inch clear of the extremity
of the neck of the decanter. The diameter of this wood at one end, viz. the end that embraces the swell of the glass,
must be a little more than three inches; the other end may be two and a half inches: this may be turned
in a lathe, nearly to the form of the glass, and it will make it lighter and better for use. But a hole is to
be bored into this wood, from the largest end, to insert the neck of the decanter: it may be first bored with
an auger, just large enough to receive the top of the decanter, and then with a large taper-bit, and worked
out with a rasp, or other instrument, so as to sink the decanter, that the neck shall approach
within an inch of the end of the wood. This wood should be turned, or worked off upon the outside, so as to
render it thin and light, excepting the part where the whirl is to be turned in the wood; and the other box is to be
sunk into the end, or else secured by screws without sinking, and is to be made in the same form
of the former box, which is prepared for the bottom of the glass. The whirl may be turned, or the
place for the band, within one inch of the end, and should be so turned as to pinch the band,
otherwise it will render; but it must always be cross-banded. Having the boxes, screws, woods, all prepared,
screw on the boxes, so that the sockets for the points of the large screws may strike the centre of
the glass: then prepare a cement to stick the two woods fast to the glass. You may use bees-wax, or rosin softened by
a little tallow, or boil tar, without burning it, to such a consistency, that, when cold, it will be
brittle. Heat the glass, as warm as can be held by hand, and lifewise both the woods; let the cement be warned till
it is quite thin; daub some of the cement all round the bottom of the glass, kept warm by a fire; then
pour some hot cement into the place cut out, to sink the bottom of the decanter into; and immediately
settle the bottom of the decanter into its place, while the cement is all warm and yielding.
This done, proceed in the same manner to secure the wood upon the neck of the decanter; and it is ready
for use: Bring it into its place, between the points of the large screws, and screw up their points
into the sockets; after which, put on a strong woolen band, and this part of the machine is completed.
It would be as cheap to purchase a glass blown purposely for the business: but, because they cannot always be
had, I have described this manner of preparing decanters; and they answer about as good a purpose as any other.
Prime Conductor. - Whatever is made use of to convey the fire from the cylinder to the
other glass, called the rceive, may be called a prime conductor. I will now describe a cheap one:
Turn a piece of wood (pine will do) three feet long, round and smooth, the two ends a
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