Henry Livingston, Jr.

Entertainments    The Rebus    Nature

Listen to Amo Amas

Henry's Music Manuscript


When she swims in the dance or wherever she goes
She's crowded by witlings, plain-fellows & beaux
Who throng at her elbow & tread on her toes.

If a pin or a hankerchief happen to fall
To seize on the prise fills with uproar the hall:
Such pulling and hawling & shoving & pushing
As rivals the racket of 'key & the cushion;'
And happy- thrice happy! too happy! the swain
Who can replace the pin or bandana again.
The Dance

A rebus was a poem of questions, the answers to which formed a name. You can try out a modern, pop culture rebus for yourself, try out solving the rebus above, or become a Henry Livingston Researcher and see if you can help us with some of Henry's unsolved rebuses.

Now for news my sweet fellow - first learn with a sigh
That matters are carried here gloriously high
Such gadding - such ambling - such jaunting about
To tea with Miss Nancy - to sweet Willy's rout
New parties at coffee - then parties at wine
Next day all the world with the Major must dine
Then bounce all hands to Fishkill must go in a clutter
To guzzle bohea and destroy bread & butter

village has been a scene of gala for some days. On the 15 ins one corps of cadets from West-point, 240 in number, accompanied by baggage, waggons, tents &tc, &tc arrived here & encamped on a green field 2 or 300 yards north of H.A.L's mansion, & really looked altogether militaire. They every day performed evolutions with an exactness & spirit which did them great credit. Their band of music was exquisite. Every attention was paid them-- On their part all was decorum & politeness. The citizens had up a superb ball at which a hundred of our Belles had an opportunity of gazing on upwards of 200 Beauxes they never before had seen-- My girls however were not at it. On the 18th they left this place for Hudson (the termination of their excursion) highly pleased with the hospitable reception they had met with. On the day they left Poughkeepsie they came all to dine with Governor Lewis under an arbor he had erected on the lawn in front of his mansion.

To grandson Sidney Breese, Aug 1819

Our young Lawyers have opened a public xx which is very xx attended, they discuss miscellaneous as well as Law questions. I was present at the last one, and was never more gratified in my life. The Orators were James Brooks, young Van Renselaer, John Davis and Theodore Allen, all excepting Davis, students. The subject was, "Whether Climate has an effect on genius? It was decided in the affirmative, by the President, but in the negative by the society. The speakers acquitted themselves admirably. J Brooks was in the affirmative his speech shewed a great deal of learning as well as original sentiment, and he was by good judges prnounced the first of the speakers. He is a young man of uncommon bright mind, and pleasing manners. He very frequently enquires about you and always requests me when I write you to remember him to you in the terms of warmest friendship.

To "nephew" Sidney Breese from his "aunt" Jane, Jan 1822

Listen to Dans Votre Lit

The Rebus

Tears of Science

At the seat of instruction, where once she was blest,
Fair science sat mourning with sadness oppres'd.
Her maps and her volumes lay scatter'd around;
Her globes, all in fragments, were strew'd on the ground,
There lay, in rude tatters, the relics of sense;
The waste and destruction of genius immense.
She sigh'd, shook her head, and with anguish began,
Alas! for the boy when he thinks he's a man:
When his nature grows tall, and his fingers begin
To stroke the soft down that comes over his chin
When he talks of assemblies, assumes a fine air,
Falls in love, as he calls it, and dreams of the fair,
This school and these students, I claim as my own,
Here my precepts were utter'd, my maxims made known;
I open'd my treasures, around me they came,
And I rais'd their ambition for glory and fame.
I display'd the fair honors for wisdom design'd,
And the list'ning content she bestows on the mind.
They heard me with rapture; i saw in their eyes
Fair hope, emulation and genius arise;
I hail'd the glad omen! my children! I cried,
Let no pleasing objects your bosom divide,
Till crown'd with fair virtue, for glory design'd,
I'll bestow you, a blessing and joy to mankind.
Ah! fond expectation! I saw with despair,
How soon they forsook me to wait on the fair,
While I talk'd of the planets that roll through the skies,
Their minds were on dimples and beautiful eyes;
I laid down positions and strove to explain;
They thought of Eliza, Louisa, and Jane.
I saw a fine youth as apart he retir'd,
He seem'd with the ardor of science inspir'd,
His books and his pen were dispos'd in due place,
And deep lines of thinking were mark'd on his face.
Sweet hope in my breast was beginning to swell,
And I lov'd the dear boy that could study so well;
Nor shall my assistance be wasted, I cried,
I'll crown my exertions and spring to his side.
Alas! an acrostic! the verses were planned,
The name was all written, the letters were scann'd,
The initials arrang'd to promote the design,
and his genius was working to get the first line.
I shut up my Euclid, I blush'd for myself.
I laid Blair and Murray again on the shelf,
Disappointed, ashamed and o'ercome with regret
I utter'd a wish I shall never forget,
That all the dear maidens my counsels would prize,
And shun every lad till he's learned and wise.

Note: This anonymous piece is in the style of Henry, and may well have been written by him. Two of the three girls named, Eliza and Jane, were the names of his daughters.

Listen to Colledge Hornpipe


What is all the gay town can bestow?
That all its inhabitants share?
But trifles and glitter and show,
That cloy and displease as they glare.

These snares may entangle the weak;
But never the rational soul;
The flimsy enchantments will break
Where reason can never control.

By the side of a murmuring stream,
Where willows the margin imbrown;
We'll wander, unheeded, unseen,
Nor envy the taste of the town.

In scenes, where confusion and noise
And riots loud voice is unknown;
We'll humbly participate joys,
That ever from greatness have flown.

Let avarice smile o'er its gain,
Ambition exult at its height,
Dissipation unloose every rein,
In pursuit of forbidden delight.

We'll cling to our cottage, my love,
There a meeting with bliss we ensure.
The Seraphs who carol above
Must smile on enjoyments so pure.
Invitation to the Country

Listen to Sweet Poll of Plymouth


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