If we may believe the sacred historians, as well as some others whose accounts
corroborate the former in many insances, mankind have experienced
certain events which have distinguished their eras with very signal
importance: And, it is further observable, that about
the epoch of these events, there has been a general alarm given to mankind of their approach.
We will go no farther back, then to the incarnation of the Messiah: It is evident from the
scriptures, and from other writing, that there was a general alarm given to the Jews of his
aporach; the whole Jewish nation were expecting of him at the very time he came. Bishop
Andrews mentions nine counterfeit Messiahs, who sprung up about the same time; undoubtedly
at the instigation of Satan, to elude the true one.
If we may believe Josephus, the destruction of the Jewish nation was announced from
heaen, by omens astonishing to man; and, according to St. Luke, our Lord marked the time
of his second coming by similar omens, and intimated that the effect of them upon mankind
in general would be much the same: for as the Jews either passed them unnoticed, or
misconstrued them, so it is at this day. if I mistake
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