 Neil Burnside |
Neil Burnside is the head of SIS, and has a group of Sandbaggers trained for high risk operations.
But most of Neil's battles aren't in the field, they're in the halls of government as he fights the people who
should be on his side, but are usually on their own side. He has two friends - his American counterpart, Jeff Ross,
and his number 1 Sandbagger, Willie Caine. He is divorced from Sir Wellingham's daughter, though he and his father-in-law
use their relationship for their own purposes. His relationship with his boss, Matthew Peele is tense. Peele worries
about his backside; Neil worries about the mission. The only romance in Neil's life turns out, to his surprise,
to be with Laura Dickins, a new Sandbagger. But when Sandbaggers are the equivalent of Star Trek redshirts, it's a love
without a future.
 Willie Caine |
Willie Caine is the top Sandbagger. He's good at what he does, as long as you ignore the fact that he throws up after
he kills people. His loyalty to Neil is complete. He expresses that loyalty by offering to save Neil from killing a common
friend; he'll do it for him. He offers himself for a mission he couldn't possibly accomplish to save Neil from sending
Laura. Willie intends to stay alive, but he and Neil both know he'll stay a Sandbagger no matter how disillusioned he
becomes with the process. At least as long as Neil's in charge. Even though he knows he's as expendable as anyone
else if the mission demands it. If only the politicians that undermine the missions for their own purposes were as loyal
as Willie. And if only the missions were always for the good of the country instead for the good of some political
oneupsmanship. But if you're a Sandbagger, you don't choose what you get to die for.
 Jeff Ross |
Jeff Ross is CIA. He's as dedicated and coldblooded as Neil, though he covers it with a more affable personality.
He and Neil work frequently together because of the Special Relationship between Britain and the US. But each knows
that the other would work against them if the requirements of their own organizations dictated that action.
 Sir Geoffrey Wellingham |
Sir Geoffrey Wellingham is a member of Parliament with responsibility for intelligence. He is often the link to the Prime
Minister. His influence is great, and his ambition almost greater. Although he wishes his daughter and Neil could get
back together, he can accept that it's not to be and support Neil. At least when it doesn't go against his own interests.
 'C' (Sir James Greenley) |
Sir James Greenley is 'C', the head of SIS and a man of integrity. His tenure is limited by his health, a severe blow to
Neil, whose respect
for C is limitless, and who is often protected by him.
 Matthew Peele |
Matthew Peele is a cowardly bureaucrat who is always concerned with covering his backside. Neil's lack of respect for
him will too frequently lead him to make decisions which he feels to be the best interests of SIS and his country,
but behind Peele's back. Their relationship is frequently tense and rarely supportive.
 Laura Dickens |
Laura Dickens has an impressive background and, against Neil's wishes or preferences, she's available to train as a
Sandbagger when yet one more of the redshirted Sandbaggers bites the proverbial dust. But he finds himself completely
taken with her and, while they are together, seems finally happy and at peace. The question is whether Neil can,
or would, protect her once she becomes one of the redshirts, herself.
 Alan Denson |
Alan Denson is a Sandbagger who, unlike Willie, can't look on the deceit and "ends justifying means" forever.
He wants out and his fiance wants him out. But is SIS something from which one can just resign?
 Diane Lawler |
Diane Lawler is Neil's loyal secretary. She knows all the secrets and keeps her mouth closed.

NJ Governor Lewis Morris

Breese Family

Lincoln Trial Judge Advocate Henry L. Burnett

President George W. Bush

Father Bradley Van Deusen

Mother Jean Van Deusen

Copyright © 2005, Mary S. Van Deusen