Lucien LaCroix
General Lucius (Lucien) LaCroix is a General of Pompeii, cruel and practical. He is brought across by
his daughter, who thinks it's from him she gets her vicious streak, as the volcano erupts to destroy Pompeii. LaCroix
never explains why he brings across Janette or Nick, but he does tell Janette, after Nick has run away, that he doesn't
want "another one." He wants THAT one! On occasion he brings across someone in response to Nick's upset, though
usually without telling Nick. He speaks as Nick's father, though Nick says he's LaCroix's slave. It's a constant
battle for dominance by LaCroix, who is hurt by Nick trying to throw off LaCroix's gift of immortality. Nick often
seems like a sulky adolescent rebelling against his father. He broadcasts as The Nightcrawler and seems to
be doing monologues for Nick, who listens to him as he drives.
 Janette DuCharme |
Janettee DuCharme was a noble Parisian woman who was given into prostitution by her husband because he needed a wife
who could bear him children. She seems at the bottom of her life, though still with a spark to fight unsuccessfully for her
pregnant friend. LaCroix has been following her for some time and invites her to join him in a life where no man
will ever touch her without her permission. He knows what works. She allows him to bring her over and her first
victim is the pimp that killed her friend. She loves Nick, even after leaving him, and sympathizes with his quest
for mortality. She and LaCroix and Nick form a family over the centuries. For twenty years she runs The Raven, a Toronto
nightclub but when she decides it's time to move on, she gives the club to LaCroix, asking him to let it continue to be a refuge for strays
like themselves. She moves to Montreal to get away from Nick's seductive desire for humanity, only to find herself in love with a mortal
and becoming a mortal herself.
 Nick Knight |
Nicholas de Brabant was a French knight who was coerced by his lord into going on the crusades. In 1228 he
meets Janette, who seduces him and then introduces him to LaCroix who invites him into Eternal Night. Almost immediately
Nick feels uncomfortable with his decision, and his guilt grows over the centuries. When he finally kills an innocent because
LaCroix set him up, he makes up his mind to never kill again and, usually, sticks to it. He loved Janette for over 90
years until she leaves him. And even after that, he and Janette and LaCroix frequently travel as a family.
Janette and Nick still have a hot relationship, though Nick has loved a succession of women, the
last being Natalie.
 Javier Vachon |
Javier Vachon was a Spanish soldier who fought to the death with the Inca in 1531. Their fight through the day and night was
the stuff of legends. After they had both struck mortal blows, a woman came to them in the night. She said she could still
hear courage in their dying hearts, and brought both of them across. But the last thing Vachon wanted to do was follow his Master's orders,
so when he awoke the next morning he put a stake through the Inca's heart and, thinking he'd killed him, took off. From then on, Vachon was
always on the run from the Inca, until the Inca's death in the first episode of the third season.
Tracy finds Vachon in pieces after the plane crash that killed Schanke, and he is unable to erase his image from her, so he takes the
path of least resistance and trusts her discretion. Upon Nick's strong "suggestion", Vachon stays around Toronto to protect
Tracy's knowledge of vampires from getting her into trouble with their own kind.
 Urs (Ursula) |
Urs was a bar singer when Vachon first meets her. He was taken with her beauty, and touched by her unhappiness. When he
kills the man who was abusing her, Vachon thinks Urs was asking to be brought across when she asks him to kill her, but Urs
really just wanted to die. To this day, Urs still doesn't have a good understanding of why she is so unhappy.
 Screed |
Screed seems to have been a British sailor, since he asks to be buried by the water in the sand, saying that he never felt right
on land. He has a Cockney accent, with his phrasings often very difficult to understand. Vachon interprets him to Tracy.
In the first hunger, Screed drank from a rat, so his preferred food is still furry and four-legged, though he is willing to
entertain humans as well for lunch. When he drinks from an infected, experimental rat, Screed becomes ill and begins the
spread of the infection through the Toronto vampire community.
 The Inca |
The Inca was a soldier of the great Atahualpa, leader of the People of the Sun. He has spent his eternity chasing after
Vachon in an attempt to get him to follow the orders left by their Master.
 Inca Master |
After their Master brought Vachon and the Inca across, she taught them the way of the night, and then charged them to
stop senseless killing in the world. Those that treasure life should live, and those that don't should die. In the morning
she left them and walked into the sun.
 Divia |
Divia is LaCroix's daughter. She was brought across by a healer when she was ill. When the volcano threatens Pompeii,
she brings across her father. She's back in the 3rd season with a bit of an Electra complex for Daddy dearest.
 Aristotle |
Aristotle handles the details of the vampire community's need to take on new identities. He's the one
Nick goes to when he needs help getting a new life for a friend.
 Dr. Natalie Lambert |
Dr. Natalie Lambert is the medical examiner who met Nick when he rose from the dead in her morgue. She
nags Nick to make progress in his goal of becoming human, and tries to help him.
She knows about Janette, but no friendship develops.
She loves Nick, and he her, but they take a long time getting around to admitting it. When they finally do,
their love is thwarted by LaCroix, who has extracted a promise from Nick that he will let LaCroix take the love of his
life from him, as Nick took LaCroix's love, Nick's sister Fleur. Natalie can't think the vampire
life is all that bad since she corners Nick into bringing her dying brother across, a real disaster. When desperate,
she asks in two episodes for Nick to bring her across.
 Don Schanke |
Schanke is Nick's partner. He's a good homocide detective and does eventually figure out that Nick is a vampire,
though he's able to be led by LaCroix into deciding he was being illogical.
 Tracy Vetter |
Tracy Vetter is Nick's partner after Schanke's death. She isn't long out of uniform, but is defensive about being
made detective on her own merits, rather than from the influence of her father, the Police COmmissioner.
Her feelings are mixed about Vachon. She's disappointed by his irresponsibility, but
she feels a tie to him that she can't get him to acknowledge. Part of her regret at his death is that she didn't tell him how she felt.
 Fleur |
Fleur de Brabant is Nick's sister. Before he goes off for good with the vampires, he insists on traveling home to see
his mother and sister. While there, LaCroix and Fleur fall in love over their love of astronomy and questioning
natures. LaCroix wants to bring her across, but Nick convinces him that what he loves is Fleur's innocence, the
very quality that would be lost if he brought her over. His reasons are actually more selfish. Now that he
has become a vampire, the only hope for the continuation of their family is if Fleur marries and has children.
As LaCroix tells Nick, it's always about Nick.
 Joe Stonetree |
Captain Joe Stonetree is Nick and Schanke's boss in the first season.
 Capt. Amanda Cohen |
Captain Amanda Cohen is Nick and Schanke's boss in the second season.
 Joe Stonetree |
Captain Joe Reese is Nick and Tracy's boss in the third season. He was transferred in for temporary assignment when
Captain Cohen went on her final airplane ride, and is promoted into the permanent position.