Colonel Edward Antill
Colonel Edward Antill signature


1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783...

On July 4, 1778, the 2nd anniversary of our great nation, George Washington was headquartered at Ross Hall, and the banks of the Raritan were lined with thousands of American Patriots celebrating their victory over the British at Monmouth. At the end of the day's festivities General Washington hosted an elegant officers ball at the mansion.(Note)

Edward Antill was born in Ross Hall, then the Antill House, in 1742. His parents, Edward Antill and Anne Morris, the daughter of Governor Lewis Morris, sold the house on the Raritan River to Dr. Alexander Ross in 1763, when Edward was 21 and recently graduated from Columbia (King's College). Dr. Ross died in 1775, and the house was occupied by the doctor's widow when George Washington used it as his headquarters in 1778.

There's no indication whether Edward knew that his Commander-in-chief was occupying the house where he grew up, since Edward Antill was Edward Antill and other American officers made a return, at Flat Bush on Long Island, August 15, 1778, of the officers and other prisoners on Long Island, for purposes of exchange. In August 1779, he was still at large on Long Island, on parole. His exchange was effected Nov 2, 1780.

Edward Antill to George Washington 18 Sep 1778

Letters of Delegates to Congress:
Volume 6 January 1, 1777 - April 30, 1777
Edward Antill to George Washington, September 18, 1778

Worthy Sir,        Long Island Septr 18th [17]78

Permit me to recommend to Your Excellencies Notice, the Bearer Lawrence Manning, Sargeant Major to Colonel Hazens Regt. His Conduct was such before his capture as to merit my notice while I had the Honor to be with the Regt and During Nineteen months Imprisonment has behaved himself in Such a way as to gain the Esteem of all that knew him. Impatiently waiting releasement. I have the Honor to be
with the Most Perfect Respect
Your Excellencies most
Obedt & most Hubl
Edwd Antill

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