Edward Antill's father was a lawyer of the same name, who came to America from Surrey, England in 1680. Among
his clients was the pirate Giles Shelley, whom he saved from hanging. When Edward died,
leaving a young Edward Antill, the boy was taken in by the pirate. The boy inherited the
fortune of his father and that of Shelley.
Mrs. Antill seems to have possessed somehting of the Governor's whimsical
obstinacy and petulance. Mr. Whitehead says Antill was "an oddity," and as an instance
thereof relates an incident to the effect that he once expressed to his wife his
regret that the women of the day spent so much time in idleness or profitless pursuits,
instead of "abiding in the fields with their maidents," gathering flax or grain.
The next morning on coming down to breakfast Mr. Antill found the house deserted, and
no signs of the matutinal repast. His wife had taken him at his word, and was out in
the fields with her handmaidents, pulling flax. This is an illustration of the serious
view Mr. Antill took of life.
Documents Relating to the Colonial History of New Jersey Vol Vol XXIV
Page 211
New-York, July 30. We hear from Brunswick, that on the 11th Instant, the House of the
Honourable Edward Antill, Esq; near that Place, was accidentally set on Fire, by the
Discharge of a Gun: It was not discovered by the People about the House, till they were
informed by those who came from the Meadows to their Assistance, which was just in Time
to save it; 5 Minutes more would have been too late. The Roof and some other Parts were
considerably damaged, before the Fire was extinguished.
Page 12
TO be sold, by Edward Antill, at his Seat near New-Brunswick, in New-Jersey, four or five
Yoke of working Cattle, of different Ages, from 8 to three Years old; they are now fit for
Service, being in good Heart, and full Flesh'd, they are fed upon good Hay and Corn.--The
New York Mercury, March 1, 1762.
Abstracts of Wills Vol X 1780-1782
-In the name of God, Amen. I, ANN ANTILL, at present of the City of New York, in
North America, being of sound mind but old and infirm, etc. I leave to my son Edward my
lands in the County of Bergen, in the Province of New Jersey, left to me by the last Will of
John Corbett, Esq. I desire that my money in the hands of Charles Lowndes, Esq., given to me
by the Will of my deceased sister, Euphamia Norris, be divided into five equal parts and
disposed of as follows, viz.: to my grandson, John Collins Antill, son of John Antill, Esq.; to my
granddaughter, Isabella Graham Antill, daughter of my son, Edward Antill, Esq.; to my
granddaughter, Ann Cochran, daughter of Richard Cochran, Esq.; to my granddaughter,
Sarah Morris, daughter of Lieut. Colonel John Morris; and to my granddaughter, Elizabeth
Colden Antill, daughter of my son, Lewis Antill, deceased. As to the money given to me by my
late beloved husband, Edward Antill, Esq., and any other money I may die possessed of, I
desire it may be equally divided among my children. I make my son, John Antill, Esquire, my
sole executor.
Dated March 27, 1778. Witnesses, Thomas Davies, Ann Morris, Thos. Skinner, baker. Proved,
November 20, 1781.
NOTE.--On December 3, 1781, John Antill, Esq., appeared before the Surrogate for the City
and Province of New York, and was duly sworn to the true execution and performance of said
Abstracts of Wills Vol II 1708-1728
In the name of God, Amen. I, Giles Shelley, of New York,
merchant, being in good health, sound mind and perfect memory. I leave to my friends,
Robert Watts and Robert Lurting, merchants, all that my messuage, farm and lands,
situate and lying at the Bowery, and
the stock there-on, and the goods and the household stuff, to have and to hold during the
life of Mary Peters, wife of Charles Peters. In trust for her to occupy and enjoy. And after
her decease, the same is to go to Edward Antill, whom I have adopted and brought up,
having no children of my own, and to his heirs and assigns forever. I give to the said Mary
Peters œ50, and œ50 yearly for ten years, also my Indian slaves, Symon, Betty and
Jenny, and all these bequests are to be free from the control of her husband. I leave to my
aunt, Elizabeth Clarke, of Gravesend in Kent, England, œ20 yearly. To John Tudor, Jr.,
œ50 when of age. I leave to my wife œ20 and no more. I give, devise, and bequeath to my
said child Edward Antill, my two houses and land in the city of New York, and all other
lands and tenements whatsoever, to him and his heirs of his body, but in default of such
heirs then to my loving friends Anthony Lane and John Lane of Barbadoes, merchants. I
leave all the rest of my personal estate to the said Edward Antill; my executors have full
power to sell property and to use the proceeds for his maintenance and education. I
appoint Robert Watts and Robert Lurting executors.
Dated September 22, 1702. Witnesses, Benjamin Ashe, William Bickly, John Davis. I leave
to my executors œ150 for their care and trouble.
Codicil. Whereas I, Giles Shelley, being very sick and apprehensive the hour of my death
is drawing near, I confirm my will, except as regards Mary Peters, who since the making of
my will is dead, and that part I annul and make void. I leave to my wife œ15 per annum
for life. I leave to Elizabeth Clarke œ20 in addition to her legacy. I leave to Mr. Chambers
œ50. To the widow Sheppard œ50. To Anne, daughter of Edward Antill, œ150. I also give
to my wife œ60 in money or household goods.
Dated February 19, 1710. Witnesses, Lancaster
Edward Antill, A NY Merchant of the 17th century, and his Descendents;
William Nelson, Press Printing and Publishing Co., Paterson, N.J., 1899.
Long Island Slaveowner
A will which can be ordered