Abstracts of Wills
-In the name of God, Amen. I, MARGARET WILLETT, of the Borough and Town
of Westchester, Westchester County, widow, being of sound mind and memory. All my just
debts and funeral charges to be first paid. I will that my executors build a small vault near
the place where my dear departed husband now lies buried in, and that my remains and his
be deposited, provided it be with the consent of the owner of that part of my late husband's
estate when the said vault shall be built. As soon as convenient after my decease my
executors shall sell and dispose of my negro men named Pompey and Pontius, and my negro
woman named Betty, together with such other part of my personal estate necessary to make
up in the whole œ500 which sum is to be put out at interest, and the interest therefrom to go
to my nephew, Lewis Graham, and be by him applied towards the education and
maintenance of Anna McIlworth until she arrive to twenty-one years of age or marry, provided,
she shall be under the direction and government of the said Lewis Graham and his sister
Arrabella, or such other person as they shall think proper. After the said Anna McIlworth
arrives to twenty-one years or marries, or after her death, should she not attain such age,
I give to Mary, Anna and Euphemia Willett, daughters of my brother-in-law, Thomas Willett, œ300
in equal shares; in the same circumstances, to Gilbert Colden Willett, Alice and Anna Willett,
children of my brother-in-law, William Willett, œ60; in a like case, to Gilbert Willett, son of
my brother-in-law, Thomas Willett, œ50; Also, to my nephew, Isaac Willett, œ40. To the said
Anna McIlworth when she arrives at twenty-one years or marriage (provided it be with the
consent of my executors), whichever happens first, œ50, and my negro girl Hagar by way of
outset. Unto my nephew, Isaac Willett, my silver tankard and soup spoon. To my niece,
Arabella Graham, my negro woman Jenny, trusting that she will treat her kindly, also, my
watch and stone studds. Unto Augustin, Morris, Charles, John, Isabella Landon, and
Arabella Graham, children of my sister Graham, œ20 each. Unto my nephew, Lewis
Graham, the remainder of my whole estate. I make Lewis Graham and Doctor Daniel White, executors.
Dated August 31, 1776. Witnesses, Anthony Glean, of Westchester, farmer; Elizabeth
Ashfield, Jane Glean. Proved, May 28, 1784.
Codicil. I leave to my sister, Arabella Graham, all such of my wearing apparel as will suit her
to wear excepting a rich flowered silk gown which I give to my sister, Elizabeth White, and a
long scarlet cloak which is for my sister, Ann Antle. Unto my niece, Arabella Graham, my
studs or sleeve buttons; Also, my chest of drawers, dressing table and dressing glass and all
my wearing apparel not already disposed of. Unto my niece, Elizabeth Ashfield, œ5 cash,
payable by my executors, also, two of my best calico gowns and two under petticoats. Unto Lewis Morris, son of Richard
Morris, Esqr, my enameled gold ring marked with the name of Lewis Morris. Unto Ann
McIlworth my worked Petticoat, my bed in the little room, bolster, two pillows, two blankets,
four pair of fine sheets marked T??M, one other pair of sheets marked TÍW No 2, six diaper
table cloths marked T??M, the bedstead in my room and checkered green curtains; my old
lining and old calico gowns and checkered aprons to my female servants.
Dated September 2, 1776. Witnesses, Anthony Glean of Westchester, farmer; Gilbert Hunt,
Dorothy Lewiz.
Proved, May 28, 1784.