I reciev'd yours wth. very much Satisfaction and am glad you take so well to your businesse.
It will in the End prove to your great Advantage. I opened your sisters letter to her
mother thinking yt. Possibly She might want something wch. I might get her and this
afternoon I have been about buying. Tis now candlelight and about halfe an hour agoe I
learn't that Homes goes tomorrow at three in the morning So that I cannot get you the
weights & ye grindstone you want nor the Rum but I will have all these things to Send you
by the next and there comes by this 6 pound of the nailes you sent for 8 pair of HL
hinges with rising Joynts 4 pair of dovetailes for tables A Scimmer & large frying pan
for the Kitchin. A cleaver I could not get but I'll get one made.
Robin and that family
Should make A Cellar for themselves & not Clutter up the dwelling house with
their Lumber and Sticks. The room ... should be made a dining room & new floor'd & the
Entry on the N W Side of the House made use of the Other Shut up. I hope in tenn dayes
at the farthest to be with you but I am as yet so much tyed by the legg that I cannot stirr.
I have had so great A cold that I could not Speake Lowder than a whisper but my Voice
begins to returne.
I order'd Ashfield to Send you Some wine but there was none in qr.
casks so it was not done but I'll try to get some. The [mine?] but you make use of A character thus
(18 pounds yr.) wch. I do not understand unless it meanes 18 pound to be paid in a yeare.
I'll bring the bonds as you direct. You must think of Cyder & both preserve ye Apples &
prepare to grind them. That country is Verry Subject to dry Seasons but these God makes &
has given you reason to govern your Selfe According to them and keeping the grounds well
used goes farre to prevent the mischief of them and to the returne will not be so much
as A better season will yield yet it will be as much as can be fairly Expected so that
you will not have any Just cause to blame your self. The weeding of the wheat was
well done and tho Some of it must have Spoilt by breading of it yet the remainder will yield
more for had all that Scruft [wed] out And if you prepared your fallow to [descend] in ridges
and your letter & so I am with Nannys. I hope before winter we Shall make that house bad
as it is at least tollerable. Inclosed is A draft of my Scheme to be improved when I come
to the Seat but it will help your thought. I am too much in hast to draw it. [...]
make you understand it the Square places before the house to
[descend] one lower than
the other as the grounds descends so to go on ye Old [...] & over to the Other side wch. will
make an Entry in front for those that will visit the other till we can get the way moved will break
the hart of ye pipe lighters.
I hope both Nanny and bell are a little reconciled to the
place as bad as tis. It does not want its beauties tho of a differing kind from Morrisania.
Pray God have you all in his protection and give you minds Suitable to the Stations you are or
are to be in. I long to see you & shall allwaies by Your affectionate father [...]
Lewis Morris