I should be glad to do any friend of yours a service, and believe Capt Thomlinsen a
diligent capable person, but there are two or three things in the way.
One Partridge was Agent before I came to this government, made by the Assembly, by what
authority I know not as yet, and he still continues on that footing without a new
2d the thing is such a trifle, -- about 46 pounds Sterl per annum, as to be
worth nobody's acceptance.
3d I am under a sort of pre-engagement to Sir Chas Wager's
secretary, to whom I am in a particular manner obliged, should the thing be in my Gift,
which whether it be or not I cannot at present say. So much for that.
I have underneath sent a Catalogue of Books if you'll please to send them it is well;
but if you do not I shall not be displeased being conscious to my self how dilatory
a pay master you have had of Sir, &c.
- Boulan Villiers parliaments of France
- Miltons Works. Two volumes
- Fletchers Political Works
- The Religion Essential to Man by the author
- of the world unmasked
- High flown Episcopacy & Priestly Claims Examined
- in a Dialogue between a Country
- Gent & a Vicar
- Hamilton's Account of the East Indies
- Hales History of the pleas of the Crown 2 voll fol:
- Farresly reports of Chief Justice Holts Cases
- I do not mean a book call'd Modern Cases
by Farresly printed in 1716, or another of that title printed in 1713, which I have
already, but a new book which I find advertised.
- History and Practice of the Court of Common Pleas
D[itt]o of the Court of Exchequer
- A New Hebrew Grammar, in English.
- A review of the Controversie about the meaning of Demoniacs
- An Arabic Grammar, if to be gotten
- Oldmixons History of the Stuarts
- Millars Gardiner's Dictionary
To Mr John Clark book sellr under the Royall Exchange at ye bible