If I remember your proposalls at Yates, concerning the letter of your house nigh this place,
they were that you would expend 200 pounds in putting of it into repaire & building of a
wing for a kitchen to lodge servants: & would, so repair'd, let it with the grounds about it
within fence for 60 pounds per annum -- that the lessee might cut his firewood, but not of
timber trees -- that there should be a lease for 5 yeares, & that if I became your tennant,
the lease should determine within the 5 yeares, if either I dyed or his majestie was pleas'd
to remove me from the government. I should have added another condition, w'ch tho' it
may seem unlikely to many that it should happen, yet your experience has shewn it to be possible,
& I believe it not improbable in case those I have to do with take it in their heads,
w'ch I have abundent reason to think them capable of doing, & that is -- withdrawing the
house rent or sallary, w'ch if they do I shall be under a necessity of going to my own house,
in w'ch case it would be hard to pay 60 pounds per annum. [The repairs necessary are then
referred to at some length.]
A notion has obtain'd that it is an unhealthy place; & it may prove so for aught I know;
but I own, according to the best Judgment I can forme, I cannot see any reason for it if
the meadows be well ditched, the cellars be made dry, & more airy, and gutters fitted
to the house. I shall then be inclined to take it if this can be done about or before
the 25th of June next. I shall be willing to take it for three years on condition
before hinted; but as your distance from mine is too great to transact this affaire by letter,
I could wish you would employ some body on whom you can depend to agree with me that I
may govern my affaires accordingly.
I am told there is little timber on your land, & I have observed it myselfe, but there
will be some wanting to repaire & make fences, w'ch should be allow'd for that use when
wanting, & the barne should be repaired.
I am Sir &c
To the Honble George Thomas Esqr Governr of Pensilvania