My Deare Child:
My last to you was on June 7th, via New York, wth a bill of Exchange and coppy of an
Invoice, which I had sent in the Decembr before; w'ch I believe came into your hands,
because about a week ago I reciev'd for Mr Saint the body of the chaes, [chaise?] & the
things sent for except the trusses, all safe & in good order. The ship has been a long
time expected, and her safety was doubted of *** Your mother has been very well *** and seems
likely to continue so, but the last spell of hot weather has been very troublesome to her, and
has caused her to break out wth boyles, which, tho' wholsom, gives her great pain
& uneasiness.
Your brother Robin has been since the beginning of June mostly in Connecticut Collony,
by virtue of a Commission from ye King, Empowering the Governour & Councill of New
York & Jersie, or any five of them, to determine a difference between the government of
Connecticut & Mohegan Indians. I heare he is well, & that I may expect him every day.
As for myselfe, my sore leg is well. And I am in good health, tho' old, being nigh 72.
I have not heard from you by any of these last ships, w'ch gave us all great uneasiness;
and in such cases we allwaies suspect the worst. But Mr Saint in his letter wth the things,
w'ch I did not recieve till about a week since, let us know that you had been unwell and
was gone to Bath for your recovery, w'ch was attended with success, and he expected you
in Towne in a little time, where you would stay some small time to write to your friends on this
side of the water. This gave us much satisfaction, tho' his letter was of an old date,
viz the 13th of May last: so yt we live in Expectation of soon hearing from you.
But no ships sailing as yet from you, & Mr Clinton, tho' long expected & not coming,
it begins (not without reason) to be much doubted whether he will come at all: so that there
is no hopes of having any letter from you till the arrivall of the fall ships, when I hope
you will write fully, for allmost every thing you can write will be news here.
I would be glad to heare how Sr John & Lady d[itt]o, & how Sir Charles Wager does, & how
you still stand wth Sir John & Lady Norris & the girles your sisters. I was in such haste
in Decembr that I gave you but a short account of my conduct wth the last Assembly. I have
since that Printed some observes upon their votes; those & my Speeches to ym comes
inclos'd, recommended to ye care of Mr Saint, who I have directed to send to you wthout the charge
of Postage; & I would be glad to know if you can [tell me] how far what I have done is
approved by my Superiors. They will find at least one of their Governrs Proof against
a bribe. ***
Your being much out of Towne, my giving you the trouble of purchasing such little Knacks
as we want I am afraid is inconvenient to you. I have therefore wrote to Mr Saint to get a
few bookes for me &c which please to pay him out of the money in your hands of mine.
Make not my compliments, but the tender of my sincere regards, acceptable to Sr John &
Lady Norris, your mother's and my blessing to Mrs Pearse & to yourselfe puts an end to
this, from, my deare child,
Your affectionate father,
To Mrs Norris.