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Governor Lewis Morris
(Oct 15, 1671 - May 21, 1746)

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His Descendants
Descendants of Colonel Lewis Morris

01Governor Lewis Morris1671 - 1746
+Isabella Graham1673 - 1752
02Colonel Lewis Morris1698 - 1762
+Katrintje (Tryntie) Staats1697 - 1730/31
03General Lewis Morris, the Signer1726 - 1798
+Mary Walton1727 - 1794
04Catharine, 1st wife1724 - 1805
+Thomas Lawrence1720 - 1775
Thomas Lawrence's 2nd wife, Rebecca Bond1720 - 1775
04Mary, 3rd wife of Thomas Lawrence1749/50 - 1834
04Colonel Lewis Morris IV1754 - 1824
+Ann B. Elliot
04General Jacob Morris1755 - 1844
+Sophia Pringle
+Mary Cox, 2nd wife of General Jacob Morris1757 -
05Lewis Lee Cox Morris1778 - 1853
+Elizabeth Ann Gilbert
06Lewis Lee Morris II1806 - 1883
+Julia A. Collier
06Jacob Morris1819 -
+Sarah Tompkins
07Lewis Lee Morris III1843 - 1885
+Wallie Bates
08Rev. Lewis Gouveneur Morris1875 -
+Ruth Myers
09Lewis Gouveneur Morris1904 -
06William Augustus Morris1820 - 1894
Jane Elizabeth Morris
07Robert Hunter Morris
06John Cox Morris1822 - 1882
Sibylla T. Carmalt
07Caleb Carmalt Morris1862 -
+Gertrude P. Hill
08John Fiske Morris1894 -
08Dwight Byington Morris1896 -
06Robert Hunter Morris1826 - 1865
Martha Elizabeth Wright
07Hamilton Fish Morris1855 -
+Frances McAllister
08Charles Lee Morris1886 -
08Archibald Morris1889 -
08Robert H. Morris1892 -
06James Rutherford Morris1827 - 1903
Elizabeth E. Howe
07Lewis Rutherford Morris1862 -
+Katherine Stauffer Clark
06Charles Lee Morris
07Frank Lee Morris
07Charles W. Morris
07Robert B. Morris
07James Victor Morris
+Hannah Winter, 2nd wife of Lewis Lee Cox Morris
05John Cox Morris
05Richard Valentine Morris1782 - 1865
+Frances Mary Upton
06David Johnston Morris1818 - 1835
06Adelaide M. A.Morris1821 - 1889
06Frances Mary Upton Morris1821 - 1898
06Euphemia Morris
05Mary Ann Morris1784 - 1872
+Isaac Cooper
05George Morris1786 - 1787
05Sarah Sabrina Morris1788 - 1878
+Peter Philip James Kean1788 - 1828
06Julia Kean
05Censa Morris1791 - 1791
05Jacob Walton Morris1792 - 1855
+Serena L. Burgess1788 - 1828
06Charles Valentine Morris1826 - 1917
+Mary Jane Rose
07John Walton Morris1865 - 1933
+Nellie May Smith
08Bessie Smith Morris
08Charles Morris1893 -
06John Cox Morris1840 - 1884
06Peter Kean Morris
06Hannah Morris
06Jane Morris
05Catharine Cox Morris1795 - 1818
+John Holmes Prentiss1783 - 1861
05William Augustus Pringle Morris1796 -
+Harriet Granniss
06Howard Morris1856 -
+Julia A. Robertson
07Howard Morris1887 -
07Victor Morris1889 -
06Arthur Breese Morris1858 -
+Ida L. Moore
06Charles Marclus Morris1865 -
+Mary Fairchild
05James Elliot Morris1800 - 1802
05Charles Valentine Morris1802 - 1887
+Eliza Mosley
06Rev. Elizur Morris1835 -
+Mary E. Scott
04James Morris1766 - 1814
+Helena Van Cortlandt1768 -
05Frederick Augustus Morris1797 - 1859
+Harriet Munro
+Jane Catherine Maitland, 2nd wife of Frederick Augustus Morris
05Dr. Richard Lewis Morris1805 - 1880
+Elizabeth Sarah Fish
06Major Richard Lewis Morris1840 - 1882
+Lilian Monson
07Monson Morris1875 -
06Stuyvesant Fish Morris1843 -
+Ellen James Van Buren1843 -
07Stuyvesant Fish Morris II1877 -
+Elizabeth Wynkoop
08Stuyvesant Fish Morris III1902 -
08Rutherford Morris1904 -
05Robert R. Morris1807 - 1881
+Harriet Edgar
05William H. Morris1810 - 1896
+Hannah Cornell Newbold
06Augustus Newbold Morris1838 -
+Eleanor Colford Jones
07Newbold Morris1868 -
+Helen S. Kinstead
08Augustus Newbold Morris1902 -
+Caroline Halsted, 2nd wife of William H. Morris
+Ella Birckhead, 3rd wife of William H. Morris
04Richard Valentine Morris1768 - 1815
+Anne Walton1773 - 1858
05Gerard Morris1799 - 1865
+Martha Pine
05Henry Morris1806 -
+Mary N. Spencer
06Henry Lewis Morris1845 -
+Anna Rutherfurd Russell
07Lewis Spencer Morris1884 -
04Lt. William Walton Morris1760 - 1832
+Susanna Carpender
05Lewis Morris
06Susanna Morris
+Joseph M. Demmon
07Eliza Jane Demmon
+Olney Jencks Rice
08Florette E. Rice
+Samuel Asbury Hull
06Lewis Morris
05General William Walton Morris1802 - 1865
+Mary Alexander Ritchie
06Major William Gouverneur Morris1833 - 1892
+Helen L. Carnes
06Major Arthur Morris1843 - 1892
+Adelaide Bettner
07Arthur Gouverneur Morris1872 -
+Lillian Brooks
04Helena Magdalena Morris1762 - 1840
+John Rutherford1760 - 1840
05Robert Walter Rutherford1788 - 1851
+Sabina Morris1789 -
06John Rutherford1810 - 1871
+Charlotte Livingston1825 - 1894
07Helena Rutherford- 1920
+Alfred Ely
+Benjamin Thomas Fairchild, 2nd husband of Helena Rutherford
07Livingston Rutherford1861 -
07Morris Rutherford1864 -
+Sarah Christie
08Morris Rutherford1894 -
08John Rutherford1895 -
+Emily Clarisse de Rham
07John Rutherford1861 -
07Arthur Elliott Rutherford1861 -
04Staats Morris1765 - 1826
+Everado Catherine Sophia Van Braem
05Lewis Nelson Morris1800 - 1846
+Catherine Ford
06Lewis Owen Morris1824 - 1864
+Sarah Wendell
07Lewis Morris
+Unknown Catlin
08Lewis Morris
06Colonel Thomas Ford Morris1829 - 1886
+Anna Van Valkenberg
07Lewis Nelson Morris1853 -
+Marilda Lowerre
+Cornelia H. Hoyt, 2nd wife of Lewis Nelson Morris
+Clara Valkenberg, 2nd wife of Colonel Thomas Ford Morris
05Walter Morris1803 - 1838
+Blandina Vander Heyden
+Elizabeth Schuyler Willard, 2nd wife of Walter Morris
05Frederick Morris
03Richard Morris1730 - 1810
+Sarah Ludlow1730 - 1791
04General Lewis Richard Morris1760 - 1825
+Mary Dwight
05Louisa M. Morris
+Theoda Olcott, 2nd wife of General Lewis Richard Morris
+Ellen Hunt, 3rd wife of General Lewis Richard Morris1781 -
05Richard Hunt Morris1803 - 1837
+Mary Pomeroy Emerson
06Lewis Richard Morris1831 - 1877
+Mary L. Stillman
05Anne Morris
+Dr. Perley Marsh
04Robert Morris1762 - 1851
+Frances Ludlum
05Richard Robert Morris1794 - 1874
+Martha Lynn Taylor
06Lewis Richard Morris1831 - 1877
+Emily Chapman
07Richard Robert Morris1863 -
06Lewis Richard Morris1835 - 1883
+Adaline R. Weyman
07Theodore Lawrence Morris
05James Ludlum Morris1796 - 1878
+Lucretia A. Crary
05William Lewis Morris1804 - 1864
+Mary E. Babcock
06John Babcock Morris1839 -
+Mary E. Faitoute
07John Babcock Morris, Jr.
05Lewis Gouverneur Morris1808 - 1900
+Emily Lorillard
06Commander Francis Morris1844 - 1883
+Harriet Hall Bedlow
07Lewis Gouverneur Morris1882 -
04Mary Morris1763 - 1836
+William Popham1751 - 1847
05Mary Lawrence Popham
05Richard Gabriel Popham1788 - 1838
05Sarah Elizabeth Popham1789 - 1882
+Leonard Augustus Bleecker1786 - 1841
06John Popham Bleecker
06Mary Noel Bleecker1812 - 1890
+Pierre McDonald
06William Popham Bleecker1814 - 1900
06Elizabeth Popham Bleecker1816 - 1869
+Theodore Francis Mallaby
07Theodore Francis Mallaby1837 - 1884
07Sarah Bleecker Mallaby1839 - 1887
07Francis Mallaby1841 - 1879
07Leonard Bleecker Mallaby1844 - 1905
07Frances Taylor Mallaby1846 - 1847
07Elizabeth Bleecker Mallaby1851 - 1926
+Waldron Dame
07Julia Bleecker Mallaby1854 - 1936
07Oliver William Mallaby1856 - 1918
+Martha Beatty
07Mary Noel Mallaby1858 -
+John Leggett
06Leonard Augustus Bleecker1818 - 1904
06Anthony Lispenard Bleecker1820 - 1875
06Julia Morris Bleecker1824 - 1851
05William Sherbrooke Popham1793 - 1885
05John Popham1795 - 1837
05Elizabeth Popham1797 - 1847
05Mary Morris Popham1799 - 1802
05Charles Wilkes Popham1804 - 1847
04Catherine Morris
04Catherine Morris II
03General Staats Long Morris1728 - 1800
+Catherine Gordon, Dowager Duchess of Gordon1718 - 1779
+Sarah (Sara) H. Gouverneur, 2nd wife of Colonel Lewis Morris1714 - 1786
03Governeur Morris1751/52 - 1816
+Anna C. Randolph
04Governeur Morris, II1844 - 1897
+Patsey Jefferson Cary
05Governeur Morris, III1813 - 1888
+Henrietta Baldwin
06Randolph Morris1861 -
+Louisa Addison Hughes
06Governeur Morris, IV1876 -
+Elsie Waterbury
+Anna Elliott Morris, 2nd wife of Governeur Morris, II
03Catherine Morris1751/52 - 1816
Vincent Pearce Ashfield
04Lewis Morris Ashfield1776 -
04Catherine Ashfield1777 -
03Isabella Morris
+Rev. Isaac Wilkins
03Euphemia Morris
+Samuel Ogden
03Sarah Morris

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