
Proceedings of Military Association

Members Since 1853
Members Since 1854
Two Henrys

Proceedings at the Annual Meeting at Albany, January, 1854

The Military Association of New-York was organized in 1853. The proceedings of 1854, the Constitution, By-Laws of the Association, and a list of its Members are subjoined.

The Association has, thus far, been enimently successful. Its objects, so far as they could be accomplished within the limited period of its existence, have been attained.

To insure its entire and permanent success and usefulness, it now requires only the continued and united support of the intelligent and active officers who have already given so strong an impetus to the military organizations of this State.

The officers to whom copies of this pamphlet are sent, are requested to distribute them as judiciously as possible; and especially to extend hteknowledge of the existence of the Association, and its objects. Persons eligible to membership, and desirous of becoming members, will forward the application and initiation fee, with a statement of rank, corps and address, to Col. H.S. Fairchild, Treasurer of the Association, at Rochester, New-York.

The next meeting of the Association will be held in the City of New-York, and every member is desired to communicate before the first of August next, to the Corresponding Secretary, Col. Clarance A. Seward, Auburn, New-York, by mail, (post-paid.) the name of the Post-Office where notice of such meeting, or other notices, shall be sent to him.

Tuesday, January 10, 1854.

The Military Association of the State of New-York met at the Hall of the Young Men's Association in the city of Albany, on Tuesday, the tenth day of January, 1854.

The President, Brig. Gen. Swan, the Vice-Presidents, Generals Randall, Bentley, Dunham and Spicer, the Recording Secretary, and a quorum of members, were present.

The Association was called to order, and opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Potter. The President then adressed the Association as follows: --

Gentlemen of the Association, I congratulate you upon the occasion of this our first annual meeting; I congratulate you upon the result of the Convention which gave organic life to this Association; I congratulate you, gentlemen, upon the encouragement we have given each other to honorable exertion, in the important service to which we have committed ourselves; I congratulate you upon the favorable impression our eforts have made upon our fellow-citizens throughout the State, and I trust that the future will still further attest the value of this brotherhood of honorable and chivalrous men, bound together, not only by the ties of association, but by the strongest bonds of devotion to an honorable service, and by high personal regard and friendship.

Gentlemen, in our best efforts to elevate the character of the service, we shall find a rich reward in the satisfaction which always follows the consciousness of a faithful discharge of duty. Anything short of this will afford no real satisfaction, nor leave us self-respect. What is our military association but a great Peace Society, with its presiding officer in the Executive Chamber of the Capitol, and its auxiliaries in every division, brigade, regiment and company throughout the State, pledged by our very existence, and by our oath of office, not only to the support of government, but to the preservation of peace, by the maintenance of law and order? Holding, then, as we do, the sword of the magistrate, shall we not see to it, that the very brightness of its blade, and the keeness of its edge, shall, perchance, prevent the dread necessity of its ever again being drawn from its scabbord?

To you, gentlemen, are committed important interests, and upon your action here, an influence will go forth, which will, I trust, cheer and encourage every heart of that chivalrous body of men who compose the Military Force of the State of New-York.

The resignation of Col. Lansing, during the past year, and his removal from the State, has deprived the Association of one of its warmest friends, and the service has lost a valuable officer.

Gentlemen, I ask your kind indulgence, forbearance and support in the duties imposed upon me as your presiding officer. I assure you of my best efforts to discharge those duties impartially.

The resignation of Colonel Lansing, as Treasurer, was accepted, and Colonel Fairchild appointed to act as Treasurer pro tem.

The roll of members was called, and the annual dues for the year were received.

The minutes of the last annual meeting were then read and approved.

On motion of General Bentley, amended on motion of General Cooper, a committee of three was appointed to invite his Excellency the Governor, and the Members of the Senate and Assembly, to attend the meeting of the Assocation, at the Hall of the Assembly, this evening. Generals Cooper, Bentley and Randall were appointed such committee.

Colonel Frisby announced the death of Colonel Osburn, of Albany, and invited the Association to attend his funeral this day.

The committee appointed to wait on the Governor, Senate and Assembly, reported the acceptance of the invitation to attend the meeting of the Assocation this evening.

Col. Crooke moved that the Association do now adjourn until 4 o'clock, P.M., to enable the members to attend the funeral of Col. Osborn. Carried.

Tuesday, January 10, 1854. 4:00 P.M.
The Association met at 4 o'clock, P.M. The President in the Chair, and Col. C.A. Seward, Secretary pro tem.

Gen. Burroughs moved that a committee of one from each Division be appointed to nominate officers. The motion was carried, and the following committee appointed:

Gen. Burroughs, Col. Peers, Capt. Ball, Lieut. Col. McCardell, Gen. Blanchard, Gen. Burnside, Gen. Brown, Capt. Lee.

On motion of Gen. Randall,

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to report upon the Militia Code submitted to the Legislature by the Commissioners appointed last year for that purpose.

Generals Randall, yates, and Burnside appointed such committee; and on motion of Major Richardson, Generals Swan and Bentley were added to the committee.

On motion, adjourned to meet at half-past seven P.M., at the Assembly Chamber.

Tuesday, January 10, 1854. 7:30 P.M, Assembly Chamber
The Association assembled at the Capitol at half-past seven o'clock, P.M.

The President took the Chair, and introduced His Excellency the Commander in Chief, Governor Seymour, who addressed the Association.

The annual address was then delivered by General Duryea.

On motion, the thanks of the Association were presented to His Excellency the Governor for his address; and also to General Duryea.

On motion, it was resolved that the latter be requested to furnish a copy of his address for publication, and that same be published by the Association.

On motion, adjourned until to-morrow morning at ten o'clock.

Wednesday, January 11, 1854. 10:00 A.M
The President in the Chair -- and a quorum present.

The minutes were read and approved. A communication was received from His Excellency the Governor, inviting the Association to visit him this evening. Accepted, and resolved to attend in full uniform.

Invitations were also received and accepted to attend the Theatre, and the Ball of the Albany Republican Artillery.

General Randall, from the Committee on the Code, reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That this Association do approve of the Militia Code, reported by the Commissioners appointed by His Excellency the Governor, to codify the Militia Laws of this State, as reported to and passed by the Senate last year; and do earnestly recommend its passage by the present Legislature.

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolution be transmitted to the Honorable the presiding officers of the Senate and the Assembly, to be by them laid before the Legislature.

Captain Lee moved that the Governor be requested to abolish all regulations for the uniforming of the Militia, and that each Company be permitted to select its own uniform.

It was moved, that the subject be referred to a committee of three, for a report. Lost.

After considerable discussion, Captain Lee withdrew his motion.

Gen'l Spicer moved that the next annual meeting be held in the city of New-York.

Col. Seward moved that Auburn be inserted in the place of New-York. Lost.

The question was then put on the selection of New-York as the next place of meeting, and carried.

It was moved that a committee be appointed to confer with the Legislature in respect to the Code, during the recess of the Association.

Motion laid on the table.

The report of the Committee for Nominating Officers was then made, accepted, and laid on the table; and the Association took a recess until 3 o'clock P.M.

Wednesday, January 11, 1854. 3:00 P.M
The Association met at 3 o'clock P.M.

The resolution of Col. Griffith for the appointment of a committee to take charge of the Code, was called up and discussed, and after being amended so s to make the committee consist of three, was adopted.

A resolution to pay the expenses of such committee was adopted, and afterwards reconsidered and laid on the table.

The report of the Committee upon Nominations was then taken up, and it was

Resolved, That the Association proceed to the election.

The resolution was carried, and tellers appointed.

The following was the result of the election:

President Brig. Genl. Z.T. Bentley 5th Division
Vice-Presidents Maj. Genl. Nelson Randall 8th Division
. Maj. Genl. Nelson Randall 8th Division
. Brig. Genl. A.T. Dunham 3rd Division
. Brig. Genl. Chas. B. Spicer 1st Division
. Brig. Genl. J.T. Blanchard 4th Division
Treasurer Col. H.S. Fairchild 7th Division
Corresponding Sec. Col. Clarence A. Seward 6th Division
Recording Sec. Col. P.S. Crook 2nd Division

Gen. Swan then addressed the Association, and retired from the chair.

Gen. Bentley took the chair and said:

Gentlemen of the Association, Undeserved and undesired is this choice, as your presiding officer for the coming year, to me; and I can scarcely resist my inclination to decline altogether the honor which your partially has now conferred upon me. But some friends, who I fear may be too kind or too confident in my capacity for usefulness, seem, however to insist that the interest of the Association may be promoted by my acquiescing in the selection you have made.

I have only, therefore, gentlemen, to thank you for this mark of preference, and to assure you that, in undertaking a discharge of the honorable and responsible duties of President of the New-York State Military Association, I confidently rely upon the patriotic and ardent co-operation of that intelligent body of citizen soldiery, for success in our efforts to secure a more perfect organization and state of discipline, so taht ere another year rolls around we may, by the aid of improved laws and public confidence, be able to estimate with satisfaction the good accomplished by the organization of this fraternal Association.

In looking around on this Convention, it is manifest I have before me no ordinary duties to perform, and I trust the diffidence which embarrasses me in commencing their discharge, will be kindly overlooked, and that I shall be at least successful in bringing no disrepute upon the station from which my able and accomplished predecessor has just retired.

Officers, selected as you are from the body of your fellow-citizens, because of your peculiar fitness for the posts you occupy, if we fail in our efforts to elevate the Empire State to what it ought to be, let not the fault be ours: elsewhere let the odium of that failure rest.

Again, gentlemen, allow me to thank you, and couple with it an assurance, that my aim and efforts shall be directed to serve you in an acceptable manner: and, should I fortunately succeed, I shall count it the chief honor of my life.

The report of the Council of Administration, for the past year, was then read and accepted.

The thanks of the Association were then presented to Gen. Swan for his effficient services as President.

On motion of Major Richardson, amended by Lieut. Col. Whitford, it was

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to devise a system of Military Rewards for drill and discipline, and a plan for a Camp of Instruction; to report at the next meeting of the Association.

The President appointed on such committee, major Richardson, Generals Randall, Swan and Burnside, Col. Peers, and Lieut. Col. Whitford.

The President also appointed, as the Committee on the Code, Generals Fullerton, Blancard and Hall.

On motion, it was

Resolved, That an admission into this Association be deemed equivalent to a personal introduction of the members each to the others.
On motion, it was
Resolved, That the thanks of this Association be tendered to the President and Directors of the Central Railroad Company, for their liberality in passing the members of the Association on their roads at the reduced rates of fare.

Resolved, That the address of General Duryea, the proceedings of the Association, and a list of the members, be published in pamphlet form; and that one thousand copies be printed for distribution by the Corresponding Secretary.

Resolved, That this Association do now adjourn to meet at the City Armory, in the city of New-York, on the second Tuesday of January next.

List of Members Who Joined in 1853

Adj't Gen'l R.E. Temple . Albany
Ass't Adj't Gen'l Col. I Vanderpool . Albany
Inspector General B.F. Bruce . Lenox
Judge Advocate General Elijah Ward . New-York
Quarter-Master General Geo. W. Pratt . New-York
Eng'r-in-Chief, Gen'l Jno. Addison Thomas . New-York
Surgeon General Col. Harmon Wendall . Albany
Commander-in-Chief's Aide-de-Camp . .
Col. H. Seymour Lansing
Major Lansing, not Colonel
. Syracuse
Col. Erastus Corning, Jr.
. Albany
Col. J. Paige Mumford
. New-York
Maj. Gen. Nelson Randall 8th Division Buffalo
Col. B.C. Rumsey 8th Di "ision Staff Buffalo
Lieut. Col. Walter Carey, M.S. 8th Di "ision Staff Buffalo
Lieut. Col. Jno. M. Griffith 8th Di "ision Staff Buffalo
Major R.L. Howard 8th Di "ision Staff Buffalo
Aide-de-Camp . .
Maj. Henry L. Lansing
Colonel Lansing, not Major
8th Di "ision Staff Buffalo
Maj. A.J. Rice
8th Di "ision Staff Buffalo
Brig. Gen. Chas. B. Spicer 1st Brigade New-York
Brig. Gen. H.B. Duryea 4th Brigade Brooklyn
Aid-de-Camp, Capt. G.C. Ball 4th Br "gade Staff Brooklyn
Brig. Gen. J. Watts De Peyster 9th Brigade Tivoli
Brig. Gen. A.T. Dunham 11th Brigade West Troy
Maj. J.H. Brisbane 11th B"igadeStaff Troy
Maj. C.W. Goddard 11th B"igadeStaff Albany
Capt. S. Waterman 11th B"igadeStaff West Troy
Brig. Gen. J.T. Blanchard 13th Brigade Saratoga Springs
Brig. Gen. Thos. S. Grey 14th Brigade Warrensburg
Aid-de-Camp, Capt. F.O. Burhams 14th B"igadeStaff Warrensburg
Brig. Gen. Albert Rice 16th Brigade No. Adams, Jefferson Co
Brig. Gen. S.S. Burnside 18th Brigade Worcester
Brigade Major Elias A. Brown 18th B"igade           Minaville, Montgomery Co
Brig. Gen. Z.T. Bentley 19th Brigade Morrisville
Brig. Gen. W.C. Brown 24th Brigade Syracuse
Brigade Major J.M. Taylor 24th B"igadeStaff Syracuse
Judge Advocate Maj. R.M. Richardson 24th B"igadeStaff Syracuse
M.S., Major R.F. Stevens 24th B"igadeStaff Syracuse
P.D., Capt. J.P. Ballard 24th B"igadeStaff Syracuse
Aid-de-Camp, Capt. J.B. Brown 24th B"igadeStaff Syracuse
Brig. Gen. Lansing B. Swan 25th Brigade Rochester
Brigade Major C. Gold Lee 25th B"igadeStaff Rochester
Q.M., Capt. J.E. Cheney 25th B"igadeStaff Rochester
Brig. Gen. W.S. Fullerton 27th Brigade Sparta
Brig. Gen. S.M. Burroughs 29th Brigade Medina
M.S., Major J. Jay Lawyer 29th B"igadeStaff Yates
Brig. Gen. A.D. Patchin 31st Brigade Buffalo
Col. Thos. F. Peers 6th Regiment New-York
Capt. Jno. Gregory 6th Re "giment Staff New-York
Lieut. W.J. McDermot 6th Re "giment Staff New-York
Capt. Alex. Shales 7th Regiment New-York
Col. W.W. Schrugem 17th Regiment Yonkers
Lieut. Col. J. Jenkins 17th R"egiment White Plains
Col. Aug. T. Cowman 21st Regiment Hyde Park
Col. W.P. Wainwright 22nd Regiment Rhinebeck
Col. D. Allen 24th Regiment Troy
Lieut. Col. H.A. Mercer 24th R"egiment Troy
Capt. E.H. Virgil, Company B 24th R"egiment Troy
Capt. C.E. Brintnal, Flank Company 24th R"egiment Troy
Lieut. L. Pfuffir 24th R"egiment Troy
Lieut. Abram Whitbeck 24th R"egiment Troy
Col. Ed Frisby 25th Regiment Albany
Lieut. Col. John McCardell 25th R"egiment Albany
Capt. Lewis Benedict, Jr. 25th R"egiment Albany
Capt. Michael Cassidy 25th R"egiment Albany
Lieut. R.C. Bentley 25th R"egiment Albany
Capt. Chas. Chapin 30th Regiment Whitehall
Lieut. Col. James Whitford 42nd Regiment De Ruyter
Capt. J.W. Howell 42nd R"egiment Canastota
Capt. F.B. Curtis 42nd R"egiment Canastota
Col. George A. Raymond 45th Regiment Utica
Capt. W.E. Clark 45th R"egiment Utica
Capt. J.F. Comstock 46th Regiment Boonville
Capt. W.J. Riggs 46th R"egiment Western
Lieut. E.H. Riggs 46th R"egiment Boonville
Lieut. N.H. Walworth 46th R"egiment Walworth
Col. R.H. Tyler 48th Regiment Fulton
Lieut. Col. S.R. Beardsley 48th R"egiment Oswego
Capt. J.W. Judson 48th R"egiment Oswego
Lieut. Col. Clarence Seward 49th Regiment Auburn
Col. D.E. Avery 50th Regiment Ithaca
Lieut. Col. Theron Seymour 50th R"egiment Ithaca
Capt. H.A. Devon 50th R"egiment Ithaca
Lieut. M.L. Evans 50th R"egiment Ithaca
Lieut. A.H. McNeil 50th R"egiment Ithaca
Col. Origen Vandenburgh 51st Regiment Syracuse
Lieut. Col. C.C. Richardson 51st R"egiment Syracuse
Adjutant J. Dean Hawley 51st R"eg Syracuse
M.S., Capt. J.G. Bigelow 51st R"eg Staff Syracuse
E.B., Capt. J.F. Wilkinson 51st R"eg Staff Syracuse
P.D., Lieut. Thos Hermans 51st R"eg Staff Syracuse
Capt. A.H. Hovey 51st R"egiment Syracuse
Capt. F.P. Minier 51st R"egiment Syracuse
Capt. Issac T. Minard 51st R"egiment Syracuse
Capt. L. Resel 51st R"egiment Syracuse
Lieut. W.H. Brower 51st R"egiment Syracuse
Lieut. J.M. Brower 51st R"egiment Syracuse
J.L. Graham 51st R"egiment Syracuse
Lieut. H.D. Hatch 51st R"egiment Syracuse
Lieut. Joseph Harrington 51st R"egiment Syracuse
Lieut. H.C. Tuttle 51st R"egiment Syracuse
Private Andrew Fessenmeyer has been a non commissioned officer 7 yrs, and private 5 yrs;
served in all 12 yrs
51st R"egiment Cortland
Col. O.M. Welch 52nd Regiment Cortland
Major L. Reynolds 52nd R"egiment Cortland
Col. James L. Angle 53rd Regiment Rochester
Lieut. Col. D.M. Dewey 53rd R"egiment Rochester
Major T.T. Morse 53rd R"egiment Rochester
Capt. F. Miller, Company A 53rd R"egiment Rochester
Lieut. G.W. Martin, Q.M. 53rd R"egiment Rochester
Col. James L. Angle 54th Regiment Rochester
Lieut. Col. B.R. McAlpine 54th R"eg Rochester
Major Jas. P. Griffin 54th R"eg Rochester
M.S., Capt. H.H. Langworthy 54th R"eg Staff Rochester
E.D., Capt. E.S. Parker 54th R"eg Staff Rochester
Capt. J.G. Gray, Company A 54th R"egiment Rochester
Capt. D.T. Vaughn, Company C 54th R"egiment Rochester
Lieut. Jas Bracket, Company D 54th R"egiment Rochester
Lieut. Chas E. Jennings, Company C 54th R"egiment Rochester
Capt. A. Rodgers 55th Regiment Watertown
Col. James Wood, Jr. 58th Regiment Genesco
Adjutant B.S. Chapin 58th R"egiment Dansville
Col. Peter Saxe 62nd Regiment Yates
Col. L.S. May 63rd Regiment Phillipsville
Col. Gustavus A. Scroggs 65th Regiment Buffalo
Col. Philip S. Crooke 70th Regiment Brooklyn
Col. G.F. Von Beck Corps Not Given Rondout
Brig. Maj. Richard Church 58th R"egiment Belvidere
Col. N.T. Willard Honorary Member Troy
Col. Ab. Van Bechten 58th R"egiment Albany
List of Members Who Joined in 1854

Brig. Gen. Charles Yates 2nd Brigade N.Y. City
Colonel G.E. Danforth 40th Regiment Middleburgh
Major J.N. Northrop 18th Brigade .
Capt. James Van Vischin 18th B"egiment .
Capt. Wm. C. Bouck 18th B"rigade .
Maj Gen. C.W. Sandford 1st Division N.Y. City
Ins. Gen. W.L.G. Smith . Albany
Adjutant E.B. Elwood 54th Regiment Rochester
Capt. A.W. Van de Woekin 11th Brigade .
Capt. John L. Weatherby 11th B"rigade .
Maj. H.S. Clough 67th Regiment Hamburg
Col. Thomas F. De Voe 8th Regiment N.Y. City
Maj. J.S. Cocks 3rd Brig., 1st Div. N.Y. City
Capt. Gilbert S. Jennings 54th Regiment Rochester
Maj. J.C. Pickering 6th Regiment N.Y. City
Maj. Gen. John Taylor Cooper                         3rd Division Albany
Brig. Gen. John Ewen 4th Brigade N.Y. City
Maj. H. Bostick 1st Brigade N.Y. City
Maj. T.S. Hagadorn 1st B"rigade Staten Island
Lieut. Col. H.W. Sampson 20th Regiment                               Sampsonville, Ulster Co
Capt. A. Caspell 1st B"rigade .
Col. John Aug. Bogart 2nd Regiment N.Y. City
Lieut. Col. H.P. Martin 1st B"rigade N.Y. City
Capt. John S. Lawrence 1st Brigade N.Y. City
Capt. J.B. Webster 28th Regiment Cairo, Green Co
Col. C.T. Peck 29th Regiment Saratoga Springs
Capt. John Harcourt 16th Regiment Albany
Capt. John B. Murray 56th Regiment Seneca Falls
Col. J.C. Smith 14th Regiment Brooklyn
Lieut. John S. Robins 25th Regiment Albany
Maj. Charles B. Richards . Warrenburgh
Maj. H.P. Adams 51st Regiment Syracuse
Maj. George Richards 14th Brigade Warrensburgh
Lieut. Col. Wm Menck 3rd Regiment N.Y. City
Brig. Gen. Wm. Hall 3rd Brigade N.Y. City
Capt. I. Gorshon Herriott 3rd B"rigade N.Y. City
Major Russell Smith 2nd Division Yonkers
Maj. Isaac McConihe, Jr. 10th Brigade Troy
Capt. J.J. Thompson 10th "rigade Troy
Capt. Louis Lambert 10th "rigade Troy
Lieut. Henry Rilke 10th "rigade Troy
Lieut. John H. Miller 10th "rigade Troy
Maj. H.F. Pultz 21st Regiment Poughkeepsie
Brig. Gen. Augustus D. Ayres 28th Brigade Knowlsville
Capt. H.S. Allis 25th Brigade Rochester
of the
Military Association of the State of New-York

ARTICLE I. -- Name and Object.
This Association shall be known and distinguished as "The Military Association of the State of New-York." The chief object of which shall be to foster, encourage, and perfect a thorough Military system.

ARTICLE II. -- Qualifications for Membership.
Sec. 1. Any person may become a member of this Association who holds a commission under the military laws of the State, and who shall be actually serving under such commission, or who has held such commission, and who now serves as non-commissioned officer or private in the ranks of any volunteer company, or who has served as such non-commissioned officer or private for the term of seven years, and who is now, or may be, doing duty as such, by signifying his intentions, signing the Constitution and By-Laws of this Association. Sec. 2. Supernumerary officers may be elected honorary members of this Association, by a vote of a majority of the members present at any regular meeting, they paying the initiation fee of five dollars on being so elected.

ARTICLE III. -- Officers.
The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, four Vice-Presidents, Treassurer, Recording and Corresponding Secretaries; a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business as a Council of Administration. No two of whom shall be elected from the same Division.

The duties of the officers shall be as usually belong to liek officers in civil associations.

The Council of Administration shall constitute an Executive Board, with powers to carry into effect the objects of this Association agreeably to its will and direction, as expressed at its Conventions, and as an "Committee ad interim," to attend to all business of the Association, to call special meetings, to discharge all duties involved in the powers hereinafter granted. They shall be required to make an annual report, or as often as shall be directed by the Association.

The election of officers shall be held annually -- to be decided by ballot; and the person receiving a majority of all the votes cast, shall be declared duly elected.

The regular meetings of this Association shall be held on the second Tuesday of January in each year, at such place as shall be designated by the Association at a prior meeting. No meeting shall be held twice in succession at the same place. Thirty members, three of whom being officers, shall constitute a quorum for business.

Any member removing from the bounds of the State, shall be deemed to have lost his membership in this Association, and any member resigning his commission, unless he goes into the ranks, shall lose his right to vote in the meetings of this Association, but may remain therein as an honorary member.

Any oficer who shall be cashiered, shall be expelled from this Association.

Any person, in signing the Constitution, shall pay into the Treasury an intiation fee of five dollars, and annually thereafter the sum of three dollars, as dues, on or before September 1st, in each year.

Any article of this Constitution may be altered, amended or suspended for any length of time, by two-thirds of the membes present and voting, at any regular meeting; provided, that a proposition for such alteration, amendment or suspension shall have been submitted in writing to the Council of Administration, and notice thereof given to the Commandants of Divisions, Brigades and Regiments, who shall be members of this Association three months prior to any regular meeting of the Association.

It shall be lawful for this Association, at any regular meeting, to establish a system of Rewards for drill and discipline, to be paid for from its Treasury.


BY-LAW No. 1.
Every member of this Association, except honorary members, during its sittings, shall wear the uniform dress established by regulation or by special order; and no member, in default thereof, shall be entitled to a seat in the Association, unless excused, for good cause shown, by a majority vote.

BY-LAW No. 2.
It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a roll of the members, their rank, change in rank, removal or death, and report the same at the regular meetings of the Association.

BY-LAW No. 3.
It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to keep up with the changes in each Division, Brigade, or Regiment, by corresponding with the commandants thereof; to notify the Recording Secretary of the same; and to notify members of annual or extra meetings, and perform such other duties as may appertain to his office.

BY-LAW No. 4.
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to take charge of the funds of the Association, to collect in each Brigade the yearly dues, to keep an accurate account thereof, and report to the Association at their meetings. His books shall be always open for inspection to any member of the Association, and he shall execute a bond to the President in the sum of five thousand dollars, with good security, for the faithful performance of his duties, and to account to the Association for any funds remaining in his hands at the expiration of his term of office, and pay the same over to his successor.

BY-LAW No. 5.
The Council of Administration shall audit accounts of the Association, and the Treasurer may pay such accounts, so audited, and none other -- they to draw a warrant on the Treasurer.

BY-LAW No. 6.
It shall be the duty of the senior officer of every Division Brigade or Regiment belonging to this Association, to report any deaths in his Divisin, Brigade or Regiment, to the Recording Secretary.

BY-LAW No. 7.
No member shall be allowed a seat in the Association when in arrears for yearly dues.

BY-LAW No. 8.
The Council of Administration shall have authority to appoint a Sergeant at Arms.


Since the meeting of our Association, the Legislature, with great unanimity, have taken up and passed the Military code, prepared by the codifiers the year before. The Code was brought into existence by the recommendation of the Association, at its first meeting, at Syracuse, and met with opposition on its first introduction before the Legislature. But by the labor and activity of the officers in convincing the intelligent and thinking men of the Senate, not only of the utility, but the necessity, of a well-organized Militia; and that a system that would relieve the great mass of our citizens from the heavy burdens that formerly existed, and one that would make the duties of town officers, who were charged with the enrollment and the collection of the funds, plain and easy to be understood, increasing the penalties for neglect of duties, and providing funds to compensate, in part, the officers and soldiers fo rthe expense, labor, and sacrifice they must subject themselves to, by becoming attached to the uniform corps, was a desideratum much called for and needed -- the people, through their representatives, have given us the law we asked for; and we cheerfully acknowledge our obligations to General Levi Harris, of Chenango Co., for his unremitting exertions, during the sessions of 1851 and 1854, to secure to the people of this State a respectable system, and he has, with his untiring and indefatigable efforts, most gloriously triumphed.

But have we accomplished our object by the mere enactment of the law? Are we to sit down, fold our arms, and say it iss ended; we have succeeded? Will the law be enforced, and prove beneficial, in this way. All who are acquainted with the manner in which laws are enforced in this state, and especially in relation to the Militia, will see that we have only made a beginning; that it behooves every officer of the uniform corps to devote his attention to enforcing the provisions of this code, not only as far as the military organization is concerned, but the importance of having supervisors, assessors, clerks, treasurers, and collectors perform their several duties with promptitude and accuracy, is absolutely requisite to carry out the system successfully. The laws of 1847 and 1851 become unpopular, from the fact that the civil officers either carelessly or willfully neglected their duty.

If the officers of every town or district will see that the assessors perform which is required of them by the act, and for every delinquency report them to the proper officer without fear or favor, this Code will be placed on a firm foundation.

It is hoped that all interested, especially officers, commandants of brigades, regiments, and companies, will keep a vigilant eye upon those civil officers the present year; for if the enrollments are once made correctly, their successors will be likely to follow their footsteps.

Let us, therefore, one and all, wake up to the importance of this subject, and use all honorble means to enforce the provisions of the present law.

Tax-payers must see the necessity of rigidly collecting these commutations, and thereby save their towns the expense of making up the deficiency.

The subject of uniform is one that should be carefully looked to by all general and staff officers.

The uniform established by regulation is the only one that should be permitted to be worn. Asking or granting special orders, allowing deviations from the general rule, tends to subvert it, while a strict adherence to the rule in force, teaches subordination to the rank and file, and elevates the service.
April 26th, 1854.


When a family decides to name TWO of their sons Henry, you can expect confusion to reign.

Barent Bleecker Lansing and Sarah Breese named their second child Henry Livingston Lansing, after his uncle and his grandfather, Henry Livingston, Jr. of Poughkeepsie [the author of Night Before Christmas]. Not liking to give up a good name once they found it, they named their fourth child Henry Seymour Lansing, after Henry Seymour, the father of NY governor-to-be, Horatio Seymour.

Coming from a military family [their grandfathers were Col. Gerrit G. Lansing, and Col. Edward Antill], both sons, as well as their older brother Arthur, joined the army.

In 1861, Henry Livingston Lansing was appointed by Horatio Seymour, then governor of New York, to be chairman of the Senatorial Committee of his Senatorial District. In 1863, while commanding the 31st New York Militia in Buffalo, Henry Livingston Lansing was breveted Brigadier General by the governor.

In 1861, Henry Seymour Lansing resigned his commission as Captain in the 12th New York Infantry, in order to take command as Colonel of the 17th New York Infantry for a two year enlistment.

So at the start of the Civil War, both Henry Lansings were Colonels of New York regiments, one of a militia and one of a regular army unit. Halfway through the war, Henry Livingston Lansing was made Brigadier General by Governor Seymour. This was the same timeframe in which Henry Seymour Lansing's enlistment expired, with his being breveted a Brigadier General as well.

It's clear that current researchers aren't the only ones to be confused by the Two Henrys. The recording secretaries of the Military Association of New York must have gone crazy.

Oh, and to make matters worse, the Henrys were the sons of a banker, and both Henrys later became bankers and treasurers.


  • Colonel Lansing resigned as Treasurer and removed from state
    [Henry Livingston Lansing became cashier of The Michigan Insurance
    bank in Detroit for a year and a half before returning to New York]
  • Colonel Henry Seymour Lansing, Aid-de-Camp, Governor Seymour
  • Major Henry Livingston Lansing, Aid-de-Camp, Maj. Gen. Nelson Randall, Buffalo


  • Colonel Lansing Supported resolution to strike non-dues-paying members
  • Colonel Lansing moved to thank church in which they were meeting
  • Colonel Lansing suggested prizes be offered to companies for drill and discipline
  • Colonel Lansing named to a cmt for drill and discipline prizes
  • Colonel Lansing from drill prize cmt made a report
  • H.S. Lansing signs report on above committee, then moved its adoption
  • Colonel Lansing opposed reopening the question of regimental uniforms
  • Colonel Lansing moved to elect members to the Cmt on Rewards
  • Major Lansing named to Cmt on Rewards, 1st Brigade Staff
  • Colonel Lansing appointed Teller
  • Colonel Lansing said he would move to amend Constitution
  • Colonel Lansing moved that no more uniform orders be made
  • Colonel Lansing participated in discussion on prizes
  • Major H. Seymour Lansing, 1st Division, 1st Brigade, New-York
  • Colonel Henry L. Lansing, 8th Division, Head-Quarters, Buffalo


  • Col. Henry L. Lansing on Standing Cmt on Engineers
  • H.S. Lansing expended funds for prize to 71st Regiment
  • Lansing, Henry Seymour, Judge Advocate, 1st Brigade, New-York
  • Lansing, Henry L., Inspector, 8th Division, Buffalo

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