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Letter of thanks
to Mrs. Van Cortlandt
from Colonel Lansing

Head Quarters 17th Regiment,
Park Barracks, New York, June 1st, 1861

Mrs. C.E. Van Cortlandt,
Secretary Ladies U.R.A. of Sing Sing

Dear Madam:--

Your esteemed favor of 31st ult., is at hand, and the three cases will have attention, the articles contained distributed as requested, first to the Sing Sing Company, and the surplus to the needy of the Regiment.

Permit me, in the name of the Sing Sing company, and on my own account as commandant of the Regiment, to tender to the Ladies, your Association, and yourself, our sincere thanks for your kindness and generosity, and hope, if we have an opportunity, that you will have cause to be proud of the Westchester Regiment. In relation to other articles so kindly offered, I cannot now say, several societies of Ladies are busy with their needles for our benefit, and until we are packed for a start it will be difficult to say what we shall need. It will be something without doubt, and if so will apprize you, as any necessaries can be sent after us.

With respect,
Your obedient servant,

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