![]() Brig.Gen. Henry Livingston Lansing
NELSON RANDALL On the 17th of June, 1863, I received the following Special Orders from Brig. Gen. Henry L. Lansing, commanding Thirty-first Brigade, Buffalo, Erie County:
SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 296 Maj. Gen. Nelson Randall, Eighth Division, National Guard of the State of New York, will detail from his command the Sixty-fifth, Seventy-fourth, Sixty-seventh, and Sixty-eighth Regiments, to take the field immediately for three months' Service. He will dispatch them by regiments, via Elmira, to Harrisburg, Pa,, and report to Major-General Couch, commanding. Arms and camp equipage will be supplied in Harrisburg. General Randall will make the necessary requisitions upon Capt. Sheldon Sturgeon, U.S. Army, mustering and disbursing officer at Buffalo, for transportation direct to Harrisburg, and call upon him for the necessary subsistence.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief Accompanying the above was the following:
In pursuance of the above Special Orders, No. 296, dated June 16, 1863, from the Commander-in-Chief, Col. D. S. Forbes, Sixty-eighth Regiment, will order his regiment to prepare for immediate service.
By order of Maj. Gen. Nelson Randall: RUFUS L. HOWARD, Division Inspector In pursuance of the above Special Orders, I immediately promulgated the following Special Orders:
SPECIAL REGIMENTAL ORDERS, No. 2 In pursuance of Special Orders, No. 296, and Special Orders, No. 3, headquarters Eighth Division, Maj. Gen. Nelson Randall commanding, the officers, non-commissioners officers, musicians, and privates will forthwith report at these headquarters, Fredonia, for duty, for the purpose of proceeding to Harrisburg, Pa. Commandants of companies will immediately promulgate this order to their respective commands, and report to me forthwith the number of effective men in their companies, with muster-rolls made complete. Non-commissioned staff and musicians will report to Adjt. Francis L. Norton. Commissioned officers will appear uniformed and equipped, all others in citizens' dress, as uniforms and equipments will be furnished in Harrisburg. Commandants will enlist for three months all able-bodied men who desire to enter the service, thereby increasing the number of the regiment. Each soldier should be provided with two shirts, two pairs of drawers, two pairs of socks, one towel, comb, soap, and knapsack or satchel, which, with its contents, should be as light as possible. The citizens of Chautauqua County are requested to use every effort to add to the ranks of the Sixty-eighth Regiment under this order, thereby, as is believed, lessening the number of men liable which are to be raised under the conscription act. By order of D. S. Forbes, colonel commanding Sixty-eighth Regiment New York State National Guard: FRANCIS L. NORTON, Adjutant. ************************ July 2.--I received from the Buffalo Board of Trade $500, and from General Henry L. Lansing $100, generously donated and placed in my hands to be disbursed for the benefit of the brigade; but for this timely donation my command would have suffered greatly in its subsequent marches, Government not providing at all times adequate transportation and subsistence. *************************
General WOOL SIR: Adjutant-General Sprague, now here, informs me that Colonel [Henry L.] Lansing, at New Dorp, has 300 or 400 men available for the riot, and also two companies, under Major [George W.] Scott, on Riker's Island. General Sprague says these are all subject to your orders. The marines and sailors at the navy-yard and receiving ship will, I presume, co-operate, if applied to by you.
JAMES B. FRY, **********************************
ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE That by further evidence this day filed in this office said county has furnished subsequent to said 7th of February, 1863, up to the 10th of August, 1863, 1,058 three-years volunteers, which, added to the above-mentioned surplus of 78, gives a total of 1,136 furnished over and above the quota under the two calls of July I and August 4, 1862, for which total of 1,136 the county of Erie stands credited on the records of this office. All the above-mentioned evidence is certified to by Henry L. Lansing, chairman of the military commitee of the Thirty-first Senatorial District, appointed by circular from this office dated July 5, 1862, and which evidence is now on file in this department.