Orderly Book of the
Second Pennsylvania Continental Line
at Valley Forge
March 29 - May 27, 1778
The Pennsylvania Magazine
of History and Biography
Colonel Henry Bicker
Head Quarters Valley Forge, Apr 10th, 1778.
Brigadier for tomorrow |
Varnum |
Field Officers |
Col. Seeley, Lt. Col. Simmons |
Brigade Major |
Baraian |
Inspector from Genl Maxwell's Brigade. |
. |

General Varnum's Headquarters
Recruiting Refund Forms:
Whereas many inconveniences arise in settling the Recruiting Accounts of the Army for
want of the Officers being acquainted with the mode of stating said accounts, the
Commanding Officers of each Regiment & Corps is therefore requested to apply to the
Auditors of the Army, who will furnish them with blank forms by which that business will
be much facilitated, and render the adjustment of their accounts both simple and easy, in
order that if difficulties may arise from multiplicity of accounts, the Auditor requests
the Officers' Commd'g Regts and Corps to cause the respective Officers of their
Regts, who have been employed in the Recruiting service, to produce their
Recruiting Accounts, which should be calculated in form of an Abstract, that the whole
may appear at view, and thereby enable the Auditors immediately to acquit the said
Commanding Officers of Regimts & Corps from the several sums, with which they
respectively stand charged.
Clean Up Filth:
The increasing warmth of the season requires that the greatest care should be taken to
keep the Huts of the men clean -- their bedding air'd every day -- the streets & alleys of
the Camps free from all kinds of filth. The Commander-in-Chief therefore earnest requires both the Brigade
and Regt Officers of the day to see these duties regularly, & punctually, performed.
All bones & putrid meat, dirty straw & any other kinds of filth to be every day collected and burnt.
Join Your Regiment:
The detachments of Col. Forman's Regt now in Camp to be got in readiness
immediately to join their Regt in the Jerseys.
As marching men by files is an unmilitary appearance, and attends to make them march in an
unsoldier-like manner, all parties commanded by a Commissioned Officer are to be marched by
Divisions & every Officer commanding a Guard or Detachment will be very attentive to see that
his men march properly &, when relieved, to march his guard etc. back to the Brigade to which they belong.
If from several Brigades, he will march them to the Grand Parade before he dismisses them.
Speaking Against Court Martial:
At a Genl Court Martial, whereof Brigadier Genl Poor was President, April 8th /78,
Col. John Crain tried for a vexatious & groundless arrest of Forrest, & for speaking disrespectful of
Court Martials to the prejudice of good of the service of the United States. Acquited of a vexatious
and groundless attack against Major Forrest, but found guilty of speaking disrespectful of Courts Martial
to the prejudice of good order of the service of the United States, by a breach of article the 5th
Section 18 of the Articles of War, and sentenced to be Reprimand in Brigade Orders. The Commander-in-Chief
approves the sentence and orders it to take place tomorrow.
Head Quarters Valley Forge, Apr 11st, 1778.
Brigadier for tomorrow |
Poor |
Field Officers |
Lt. Col. Reid, Major Dickson |
Brigade Major |
Bayley |
Inspector from Genl Maxwell's Brigade. |
. |
Court Martial Dissolved:
The Genl Court Martial, whereof Brigadier Genl Poor was president, is dissolved.
Wasting Ammo Gets 39 Lashes:
The Comml-in-Chief earnestly calls on all Officers to pay the strictest attention to the
orders of the 28th of January last, respecting the men's Ammunition and, in addition to
that order, he directs that when a Non-commsd Officer or soldier is detected in discharging
his piece, or otherwise wasting his ammunition, the first Commissioned Officer he is brought before
shall order him immediately tied up and receive 39 lashes on his bare back. And as many soldiers,
contrary to Good order, often straggle into the woods or byplaces to avoid being detected, no soldier
for the future to be allowed to carry his arms or accoutrements out of Camp, unless being on duty.
And whenever the report of a Gun is heard in the vicinity of the Camp, the Commanding Officers of the
Regts are desir'd to send out parties, under Non-Comms'd Officers, to apprehend the delinquent
and bring him to immediate punishment. The Commdg Officers of Regts and Corps will
see that this order is read to their Officers & men, and the Commanders of Companies will be Careful
to inform their men, now absent, of this order when they return to camp.
Court Martial Results:
At a Genl Court Martial, whereof Col. Vose was president, April the 1st /78,
Doctr Vashe of the 4th New York Regt tried for neglect of Duty,
Disobedience of orders, and behaving unbecoming a Gentleman and an Officer, using Menacing language to
his Col., and spreading false Reports to his prejudice. Found not guilty of either the charges exhibited
against him, and unanimously acquitted with honor.
Also, Ensign Bloomfield, of the 3rd Jersey Regt, tried by the same Court for
conducting in an unofficer, unsoldierlike, manner in suffering to be surprised by the enemy near their
lines. After mature deliberation, the Court are unanimously of opinion that Ensign Bloomfield is
Not Guilty of the charges
exhibited against him and his conduct, far from being unofficer-like, Merits Applause and is worthy of emulation.
The Commander-in-Chief approves of the foregoing opinions of the Court, and orders Doctr Vache and
Ensign Bloomfield to be immediately discharged from their arrest.
At the same Court, Ensign Kirk of Col. Grayson's Regt tried for suffering Major Tyler, one of the
Officers of the Day, to be surprised at his Picquet, for permitting several of his Guard to be asleep
with their accoutrements off, & for not demanding either the parole or countersign after the Guard was paraded.
Found Guilty of the charges exhibited against him, and sentenced to be Reprimanded by the Commanding officer
of his Regt in presence of the Officers of his Corps. The Genl approves the sentence,
and orders it to take place tomorrow.
Head Quarters Valley Forge, Apr 12th, 1778.
Brigadier for tomorrow |
Muhlenberg |
Field Officers |
Col. Parker, Lt. Col. De Hart |
Brigade Major |
Haskell |
Inspector from Genl Huntingdon's Brigade. |
. |
Court Martial to Meet:
The Court Martial, whereof Col Vose was president, is dissolved, and another ordered to sit
tomorrow at 9 o'clock, a.m. at the usual place, whereof Col. Craig is appointed president,
to try all such prisoners as shall be brought before them. A Capt from each Brigade
to attend as members.
A subaltern from the 2d Pennsa Brigade to attend
at the Adjutant Genls. at 3 o'clock this afternoon, when he will receive his orders.
The Honorable Congress, having thought proper to recommend to the United States of America to set
apart Wednesday the 23d instant as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, and at one time,
and with one voice, the Righteous Dispensations of Providence may be acknowledged, and his goodness and
mercy towards us and our arms, humbly supplicated and implored, the Genl directs that Day shall also
be Religiously observ'd that no work be done thereon, and that the several Chaplains do prepare Discourses,
suitable to the occasion.
Funerals of Officers:
The funeral honors at the internment of Officers will, for the future, be confined to a solemn procession of
Oficers and Soldiers, in numbers suitable to the rank of the deceas'd, with Revers'd Arms. Firing on these
occasions in Camp are to be abolished.
Desertion Court Martial:
At a Genl Court Martial, whereof Col. Vose was president, April ye 6th /78,
William Meath, matross in Capt Lee's company, Col. Lamb's Regt of Artillery, was
brought prisoner before the Court, charged with desertion to the enemy. After making deliberation, the Court
are of opinion he is Guilty of breach of Article ye 1st, 6th Sect. of the Articles
of War, and do sentence him to be hanged until he is dead. The Commdr-in-Chief approves of the sentence,
and orders William M. Meath to be executed next Friday at 10 o'clock a.m.
Major Nicholas is this day appointed Field Officer, vice Major Dickinson.
Head Quarters Valley Forge, Apr 13th, 1778.
Division Orders
The Enemy Condemns Our Deserters to a Fate Worse Than Death:
Genl Wayne esteems it his Duty to inform the Soldiers belonging to his Division that
their unworthy Comrades who have basely Deserted their Country and liberty, and have therefore
forfeited their liberty and lives, and the confidence of Mankind, that those have lately, in
presence of the Inhabitants of Philadelphia, Col. Frazer and many other Gentleman of Veracity,
been sent on board, bound hand and foot & Forced to the West India Islands, there to serve During
life. For the very Enemy despise Desertion, or Deserters, and will not trust them on this ground,
well knowing that the men who have infamously deserted us will not remain with them. Was it in
their power to make their escape yet, whilst the Genl feels the keenest Resentment
at these Unworthy men, humanity induces him to pity their present wretched Condition, which is far worse
than Death, being Doomed to perpetual Banishment in hot & sickly Islands, from which there is not the
most Distant prospect of ever Returning, even were they to receive pardon for their past crimes.
If, after this Representation of facts, any Soldier belonging to this Division should be so lost to
every Sense of Duty, Virtue and feeling as to follow so Bad an Example, the Genl would be
glad to be rid of such Monsters, conscious that his faithful fellow soldiers will stand by him in every
Vississitude of Fortune and, as he is determined to partake every fatigue and Danger with them, he also
wishes to partake part of their Glory.
Take Care of the Sick:
The Surgeons belonging to this Division are immediately
to draw Hospital Stores for the use of the sick, there being plenty to be had on proper application.
He also enjoins the tenderest, and strictest, attention to the sick, not only from the Doctr, but
from the Officers to which they belong.
Better Hungry Than Not Neat:
The Clothing of the Soldiers to be examined, as in former Orders, and no Soldier to carry provisions on his
head or back, as it Ruins his Uniform. The whole Division to parade tomorrow at 4 o'clock in the afternoon,
in the most neat and soldierlike manner.
Those who have been relieved of Guard, to parade with others.
Brigadier for tomorrow |
Patterson |
Field Officers |
Lt. Col. Grey, Major Moore |
Brigade Major |
Seeley |
Inspector from Genl Varnum's Brigade. |
. |
Meeting of Genl Officers:
The Genl Officers are desired to meet at Lord Stirling's Quarters
at 10 o'clock next Wednesday morning.
Court Martial To Meet:
The Genl Court Martial, which is ordered to sit this day, will sit tomorrow
at the time & place mentioned in yesterday's orders, & strict enquiry to be made into the
reason of non-attendance if any member warned.
At a Genl Court Martial, whereof Col. Vose was president, April 14rh '78,
Philip Culp, an inhabitant of this state, try'd for attempting to carry flour into Phila.
Found guilty & sentenced to receive fifty lashes & to be
employed in some public work for the use of the Continent, whilst the British Army continues
in this State, unless he shall choose to enlist in the Continental service during the present war.
John Bloom, an inhabitant of this State, try'd at the same Court, for attempting to carry flour
into Phila. Found Guilty & sentenced to receive fifty lashes,
& sentenced the same as Culp.
At the same Court by adjournment, Capt. Benstead, paymaster of the 10th Penna Regt,
tryd for disobeyed the orders of Capt. Cox by refusing to pay him when he paid the other
officers of the Regt. The Court, having considered the charge & the evidence, are unanimously
of the opinion that Capt. Benstead is guilty of the charge exhibited against him, but think that the
order of his Col justifies his refusal to pay Capt Cox, & therefore do acquit him.
The Commander-in-Chief approves the foregoing sentences, except the stripes in the first two orders, &
orders them to take place, & that Capt Benstead be releas'd from his arrest.
John Evans, an inhabitant of this State, try'd at the same Court for attempting to send provisions into
Phila. Found guilty of the charge exhibited against him, being a breach of the resolve of Congress, &
sentenced to be sent to Carlisle, & there to be employed in some work for the benefit of the Public
during the continuation of the enemy in this State.
The Commander-in-Chief approves the sentence and orders it to take place.
Adam Gilcrist, Forage-Master, try'd at the same Court Martial for abusing & threatening to take the life of
a soldier. Found guilty of the charge exhibited against him but, as the nature of the insult received by
him rendered instantaneous chastisement, the Commander-in-Chief confirms the opinion of the Court, & orders
Mr. Gilcrist to be discharged from his arrest.
Court Martial Results:
Head Quarters Valley Forge, Apr 14th, 1778.
Brigadier for tomorrow |
Maxwell |
Field Officers |
Col. Bowman, Lt. Col. Neville |
Brigade Major |
Walker |
Inspector from Genl McIntosh's Brigade. |
. |
Major Vail will immediately repair to the detachment at Radmor to relieve Major Conway.
Lt. McKenney is appointed to do the duty of Brigade Major in Capt. Conway's Brigade till Major Hog returns,
& is to be respected as such.
The Brigade Qr Masters will apply tomorrow for their
respective proportion of paper. The Medicine Chests from Genr Greene's Division to be sent
immediately to the Yellow Springs to be refilled. A return to be made of such Regtr as have no
Chests to Mr. Cutting, Apothecary Genr of the Middle Hospitals, who will supply them.
The Genl was very much pleased on a ride through the lines yesterday to see what attention some of the
Brigadiers paid to his Orders, respecting the neatness and purity of the Camp. He wishes it had
been Genl, but the case was otherwise and, not withstanding a repeated order enjoining cleanliness,
the smell in some places is intolerable, owing to the want of necessaries & of the neglect of them.
He therefore, and for the last time without proceeding to extremities, requests that all kinds of Dirt
and filth, as well that in front, rear, and between the huts, as what shall be found on the parade before
the Doors, be raked together and burned.
The Regimental Quarter Masters are to see that necessaries, where wanted, are immediately dug, and that
fresh earth to be thrown into them every morning. The Brigade Quartermasters are to see that the
offal at ye Slaughter Pens are buried daily. They will be answerable for a neglect of these Duties and will,
without fail, be arrested for the smallest inattention to them. Sentinels from the Quarter Master Guards
are to be posted at proper places, who are to make prisoner of any Soldier who shall attempt to ease himself
at anywhere but at the proper necessaries. And five lashes are to be immediately ordered him by the Commdg
Officer of the Regt to which the delinquent belongs for the offense of disobedience of Orders.
That soldiers may not ignorantly offend against this order, it is to be read to them frequently, and the
Sergeants are to take care that All Newcomers are informed thereof, or they will become answerable themselves.
The Genl, observing that many huts are without straw, the Qr Master Genl therefore will
provide it for the Soldiers to Lodge on.
Court Martial:
At a Genl Court Martial, whereof Col. Vose was president, Doctr Sonot, Surgeon's Mate
of the 14th Virginia Regt, tried for repeatedly neglecting to procure necessaries
for the sick of the Regt; secondly for absenting himself without leave and going to the State of
New York. Acquited of the first charge, but found guilty of the 2d, being a breach of the 5th
Article 14th Sect of the Articles of War, and sentenced to be reprimanded by
the Commanding Officer of the Regt, and ordered it to take place tomorrow.
Head Quarters Valley Forge, Apr 15th, 1778.
Brigadier for tomorrow |
Wayne |
Field Officers |
Col. Patton, Lt. Col. Carlton |
Brigade Major |
. |
Inspector from Genl Woodford's Brigade. |
. |
Washington's Guard:
The men who are Drafted for the Commdr-in-Chief's Guard are to be included in the pay abstracts of
their pay until the first of April, after which they will draw pay as a Distinct Corps, altho' returned on
Comman'd in their Respective Regts.
Court Martial:
At a Genl Court Martial, whereof Col. Craig was president, April 14th 1778,
Lieut. Ritter of Col. Procter's Regl tried for ungentleman-like behavior, and for going into
the City of Phila. since the enemy have taken possession of it. Being guilty of a breach of Article
ye 5th Sect. 18th of the Articles of War. But on account of circumstances, sentenced to
be reprimanded in Brigade Orders. The Commander-in-Chief approves the sentence and orders it to take place.
At the same Court, Jno Foster, of Col Malcomb's Regt tried for deserting to the enemy.
Pled Guilty &, in consideration of his youth, only sentenced to receive 100 lashes on his bare back.
Yl Comml-in-Chief approves the sentence and orders it to be put in execution tomorrow
morning at the head of the Regl to which he belongs.
Brigade Orders
Double Jepordy or a Second Chance:
The Col. Comml in the Report of the Brigade Guard this morning observed that many prisoners are
now confined for crimes which are under the immediate notice of Regimental Court Martial. The Col. orders
that Officers commdg Regts, who have such prisoners in the Guard, to have them
immediately tried by the Regimental Courts. A Brigade Court Martial to convene tomorrow morning
at 10 o'clock at the president's Quarters for the trial of all such prisoners as shall be brought there.
The Brigade Major will order a field Officer and the members to constitute the Court:
Capl Montgomery is appointed Judge Ad. A Capl and two Subs from each Regl is
to form the Court.
Head Quarters Valley Forge, April 16th, 1778.
Brigadier for tomorrow |
Varnum |
Field Officers |
Col. Bicker, Lt. Col. Sherman |
Brigade Major |
Malvin |
Inspector from Genl Scott's Brigade. |
. |
Selling of Liquor:
The Commander-in Chief directs, that only one Sutler be allowed to each
Brigade, who shall have a Sutileing Booth, within the limits of the Brigade
and shall sell Liquors to no others but the Brigade he belongs to;
he shall sell his Liquors at the following prices, to the Officers and men
of the Brigade to which he belongs and on no pretense to any other, under
penalty of having his whole stock seized, and rendered incapible of ever serving as a
Sutler in the Army: -- Gin: Whiskey: Peach Brandy: Apple Brandy: Cordials of all kinds:
and any other homemade spirrits at 15 per Gallon, pr Quart 4; pr pint 2 pr half pint 1:3d West
india full proof 15 pr Quart a bowl of Toddy containing half a pint of Spirits 7.6d. And
no persons besides such assigned Sutlers or Commissarys sent by particular States shall sell any
kind of Liquors in Camp or within 7 miles of Camp under penalty of having their whole stock seized.
Except that the Quartermaster Gen, is authorised to allow one or more houses of
entertainment to accomodate strangers or travelers, which must necessarily be in the
vicinity of the Camp, the persons receiving their license for that purpose giving
sufficient security, not to vend their liquors to any persons: to the Army; the Brigadier's
and Officers commanding Brigades are to report the name of the Sutlers belonging to the
respective Brigades, to the Adj. Genl. and where any change happens they are to report it accordingly.
Sutler Rations:
A ration for the future to consist of bread, one pound, one pound of beef or fish or 3/4 lb of pork, one
gill of Whisky, or spirits, or a pound and 1/2 of flour or bread, 1/2 a pound of pork or bacon,
1/2 a point of peas or beans, 1/2 a pint of Whiskey or spirits; the Commissaries are directed to issue
rations to the Army from time to time agreeable to either of the foregoing estimates, according to the
state of the stores in Camp.
Death Sentence Lifted:
William McMeath under sentence of Death is reprieved till further Orders.
Desertion Court Martial:
At a Genl Court Martial whereof Col. Vose was president
April ye 8th 1778, Jn Conner of the 9th Pennsa Regt
tried first for desertion to the enemy; 2d for taking the Oath of Alegiance to the king
of Great Britain, acquitted of the first charge, but found guilty of the 2d; being a
breach fo the 5th article of 8th Sect of the Articles of War & as he did
not return to his Regt after leaving Philada, is an addition to his crime,
they sentence him to receive 50 lashes and rejoin his Regt.
Behavior Court Martial:
At the same Court Lt Orr of the 10th Regt tried for ungentleman-like
behaviour and conniving with Sergt Hughs in secreting stolen goods & countenancing him
in carrying off a Mulata slave belonging to Major Shaw, found guilty of the first charge exhibited against
him, being a breach of the 21st Article 14th Sect of the
Articles of War and sentenced to be discharged the service; the Commdr-in-Chief approves
the sentence and orders it to take place immediately.
Desertion Court Martial:
At the same Court James Gorden, a soldier belonging to the 2nd Virginia Regt tried
for desertion and 2ndly for forging a discharge; 3rd for re-enlisting in the 12th
Pensa Regt found guilty of the several charges exhibited against him, being breaches
of the 1st and 3rd Articles 6th Sect. of the Articles of War & sentenced
to receive 300 lashes at three different times, 100 for each Crime. The Genl approves the sentence
and orders the execution of it to begin tomorrow morning at the Regt to which he belongs
& completed at the discretion of the commd'g officers of the Regt.
Head Quarters Valley Forge, April 17th, 1778.
Get the Men's Hair Cut:
The Colonel is sorry to find that so little attention has been given to the General Order, for cutting
the men's hair. Now desires that the commanding officers of companies in Camp will see the order
punctually complied with tomorrow. No longer delay will be dispensed with.
Head Quarters Valley Forge, April 18th, 1778.
Brigadier for tomorrow |
Muhlenberg |
Field Officers |
Col. Green, Lt. Col. Melin |
Brigade Major |
Clayburn |
Inspector from Genl Poor's Brigade. |
. |
Keep Your Files in Order:
In the return called for yesterday from the officers marching parties into Camp, the Genl
expects lists of the mens names in which distinctions will be made of the Drafts Re-enlisted, and others;
the officers are also to ascertain the numbers that were committed to their charge in the several States
they march'd from, and account for the difference if any there be between that and the number they bring
to Camp; they are also to note against each man's name, the Regt to which he belongs,
and goes to; this order is to be very strictly complied with.
Shoes and stockings are to be had at the Clothier's store for the soldiers.
Mutiny Court Martial:
At a Division Court Martial whereof Coll Smith was president, Sergt Hellam, of
Gent Vernom's Guard, tried for Insulting a number of officers and attempting with an Iron ramrod,
for to strike Lieut. Hill, and endeavoring to cause and excite a mutiny, found guilty of the charges exhibited
against him, being breaches of the 3rd and 5th Articles 2nd Sect. fo the
Articles of War, and sentenced to be reduced to the ranks and receive 50 lashes on his bare back; the
Commander-in-Chief approves the sentence and orders it to take place tomorrow at the head of the Regt
to which he belongs.
Supplying the Enemy Court Martial:
At a Genl Court Martial whereof Col. Craig was president, April 5th, 1778, Samuel Harvey an
inhabitant of this State tried for attempting to supply the enemy with provision acquitted
and orders him immediately to be discharged from his confinement.
Provisioning the Enemy Court Martial:
At the same court by adjournment April the 16th 78, Thos. Fitzgerald & David Rish Inhabitants
of this State tried for attempting to relieve the enemy with provisions, found guilty of a breach of the
Resolution of Congress October the 8th 77 and extended &c, sentenced each to receive 100 lashes
on their bare backs.
Show Up in Proper Form:
All the waiters of the Regiment to attend roll call every evening with their arms and accouterments, in good
order -- and once a day with the Regiment to learn to march & maneuver.
Officers Must Attend Parade:
The Colonel also expects that the Officers will attend the Parade better than they have hitherto done,
particularly, when the Brigade is to maneuver, etc. A Regimental Court Martial to sit tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock for the trial of all such prisoners as may be brought before them.
Capt Jenkins, President; Lieut Jones, Lieut Purnell, Lieut Norton Members.
For detachment, Major Dickingson; the sub-inspectors will each superintend the discipline of the
Brigades according to the following Division viz:
Mr FrenentWoodford's, Scotts' and McIntosh's
Lt. Col. Brooks1st and 2d Penns. Poor's
and Glovers'
Lt. Col. DavisLearned's, Patterson's, Weeden's and Muhlenberg's
Lt. Col. HarberMaxwell's, late Conway's, Huntingdon's, and Varnum's
Orderly Office:
The Orderly Office will be opened at Genl Varnum's late Quarters, between his and Genl
Huntingdon's brigade.
Medicine Chests Refilled:
The Medicine chests in Genl Patterson's & Learned's Brigades to be sent immediately to
Mr. Cutting's Apothecary Genl at the Yellow Springs, to be refilled.
Exceding Orders Court Martial:
At a Genl Court Martial whereof Col. Craig was president, April the 15th, 1778, Hugh Backer
a Forage Master tried for pressing a horse from Daniel Gamble without authority for so doing,
for not returning a horse into the Continental Yard until complaint was made against them,
also for abusing Joseph Smedley an inhabitant of Chester County and confining him under guard without any
order or authority for doing & taking his horse without giving a receipt or showing his warrant for so doing;
found guilty and sentenced to be discharged the service, and to have as much of his Pay
stopped to satisfy
Mr. Smedley for his horse. The Commander-in-Chief approves the sentence and orders it to take place immediately.
Head Quarters Valley Forge, April 19th, 1778.
Show Up in Proper Form:
The officers and soldiers off duty belonging to the first Brigade commaded by
Genl. Wayne, to parade
precisely at four O'clock this afternoon; it is expected that every soldier will appear
as decent as possible arms & accouterments in good order.
Brigadier for tomorrow |
Poor |
Field Officers |
Col. Bradford, Lt. Col. Russell |
Brigade Major |
Minnes |
Inspector from Genl Poor's Brigade |
. |
Only Quartermasters Buy:
The Quartermasters are desired to go into the country and make contracts with proper persons for bringing in
milk and other necessaries for the sick; such contracts it is expected they will complete by the 21st
inst, after which day no papers are to be granted to any persons whatsoever to go out of Camp for
the purpose of purchasing provisions of any kind. No officer, soldier, or other person belonging the Army,
shall go or send out to purchase any of those articles which are usually brought to market or bargain for them
any where else than the places appointed for Markets nor shall any of the inhabitants expose their marketing for sale
any other places, the purchasers on pain of being tried for disobedience of orders and the Venders of forfeiting
the full stock brought in: and for the more essential discovery of any breach of the Order.
Whoever gives information of such breach will be entitled to the articles sold or offered for sale or the
value to be recovered from the purchases.
Pass Inspection:
All permits to go out of Camp are for the future to be granted by
Brigadiers or Officers Commdg Brigades. The Officers of the Guard at Sullivan's Bridge
is carefully to inspect the passes offered them and make himself a judge of their authority.
New Soldiers:
Returns are immediately to be made, immediately to Lieut. Col. Meade at Head Quarters of all the parties
that have joined their Regt since the first of the present month by the officer who marched them
to Camp, distinguishing the Drafts from the Enlisted or Re-enlisted, and similar returns to be made to
him, of such parties, as shall arrive hereafter immediately upon their coming to Camp.
Smallpox Innoculation:
The Commanding Officers of Regt are reminded of the order of the 18th of last March relative to the
innoculation of the small-pox &c -- the strictest attention to it is called for to prevent taking it in the
natural way.
New Detachment:
A subaltern, 6 sergts, 6 corporals, and 80 privates, will parade tomorrow morning at Guard Mounting
with three days provision; good trusty hardy, marksmen must compose the Detachment.
Head Quarters Valley Forge, April 20th, 1778.
Regimental Orders
Clothes Survey:
A return to be made immediately by commanding officers of companies specifying what clothes they have
delivered to their men since the first of January last, and what articles yet remain on hand.
Brigadier for tomorrow |
Maxwell |
Field Officers |
Lt. Col. Wesingfelt, Major Porter |
Brigade Major |
Benjamin |
Inspector from Genl Learned's Brigade. |
. |
Passes signed by Doc Cochran to any in his Department may be deemed valid.
Divison Orders
Spit and Polish:
In pursuance of Genl Orders the whole Division is to parade the day after tomorrow
at 10 o'clock, fresh shaved, well powdered, arms & accouterments in the best order possible;
no fatigue on that day -- Doctr Jones will deliver a sermon to the 2nd Brigade,
and Doctr Blackwell to the first, suitable to the occasion at which every officer at the
head of his Corps will punctually attend. The Drums and fifes having now arrived from Lancaster,
it is the Genls' positive orders, that each officer exerts himself in perfecting the men in their
march and wheeling, for which purpose they will have them out twice a day at the hours directed in
Genl Orders; no excuse will be admitted for the neglect of the Quartermasters, with respect to their
keeping the parade and ground in the vicinity of the Camp clean. Horses for supporting the Arms Must
be immediately fixed and constantly kept up this order has been heretofore too much neglected.
Court Martial:
A Regimental Court Martial for the trial of all such as may be brought before them.
Capt Peter Gosner, President; Lt. Jones, Lt. Darragh, Lt. Waggoner, Lt. Norton