This Indenture made this sixth day of September in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and fifty five [6 Sep 1855] between Henry B. Gibson of Canandaigua
in the County of Ontario & State of New York to Sarah his wife party of the
first part and The New York Central Rail Road Company part of the second part.

Middle of Indenture
End of Indenture
Witness that the said party of the first part in consideration of
the sum of
one dollar to them in hand paid by the party of the second part the
receipt whereof
is hereby confessed & acknowledged have bargained & sold remised
and quit claimed and by
these presents do bargain sell remise and quit claim unto the
said party of the
second part and to their successors and assigns forever all
those certain pieces parcels or
lots of land situate lying and being in the town of Waterloo
County of Seneca and State
of New York known and distinguished on a map of the village
of Waterloo in the aforesaid
town made by John Burton for John Sinclair
also September
1836 as village lots number
one hundred and nine (109)
one hundred and ten (110)
one hundred & eleven (111)
seven hundred and twenty five and
seven hundred and twenty six (726) on the north side
of William Street on said map.
Being the same premises conveyed to the said Henry B. Gibson
of the first part by John Wood & wife by Deed recorded in the office of the Clerk of the said
County of Seneca on the 30th day of July 1844 in Book P2 of Deeds at page 1.34. Together
with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging
or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders
rents issues and profits and all the estate right title interest claim and demand
whatsoever of the said party of the first part either in law or in equity of in and to the above
bargained premises with the said hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the
said premises above described to the said party of the second part their
successors and assigns to the sole and only proper benefit & behest of the said party of the
second part their successors and assigns forever. In witness whereof the party of the first part have
hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Henry B. Gibson
S S Sarah Gibson S S Sealed and Delivered in presence of Mr. H. Bennett
State of New York Ontario County.
On this sixth day of September in the year one thousand eight
hundred and fifty five before me the subscriber personally appeared Henry B. Gibson and Sarah
his wife known to be the persons described in & who executed the within instrument who
severally acknowledged that they executed the same. And the said Sarah Gibson on a private
examination by me apart from her husband acknowledged that she executed the same freely without
any fear or compulsion of her said husband. Hiram Metcalf Justice of the Peace of said County.
State of New York Ontario County Clerk Office. I John J. Lyon Clerk of said County of the Courts
of Record thereof do hereby certify that Hiram Metcalf Esquire was at the date of his certificate of proof
or acknowledgement the annexed instrument a Justice of the Peace in & for said County
duly elected sworn & authorised to take the same. And I further certify that I am well acquainted
with his handwriting & verily believe that the signatuure to the said certificate of proof or
acknowledgment is genuine. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & officed the seal of
said County Court this sixth day of December AD 1855.
John J. Lyon Clerk SS Seneca County
Recorded on the 12th day of December 1855 at 4 o'clock P.M.
in Liber 56 of Deeds
at page 255 and Examined.
J.K. Richardson Dep Clerk
Page 508. xxx James Ackley
James Ackley to the Auburn & Rochester Rail Road Company
Appraisal Order
Dated 9th April 1839
Recorded in Monroe County Clerk's Office in Book of Deeds No 48 at Page 371

Full Appraisal Order
That a certain other piece of land so proposed to be taken by the said corporation, & described as
follows to wit: Being a piece of land 26 feet in width on the East side & 26 feet in width on the west
side of the centre line of Location at the line between said Ackley & Edward Wadhams & Co & thence
regularly diminishing to a width of 15 feet on the East side & 18 feet on the West side of the centre line of location at said Ackley's
North Line. Said centre line is described as follows viz: Commencing at a stake in the division line between the
lands of said Ackley & Edward Wadhams & Co. North 80 degrees West 107 feet from an Oak tree Blazed & marked R.R.
Hence curving Westwardly on a Radius of 1910 feet for 157 feet to a stake
marked E.C. North 73 degrees Eaast 110 feet, from an apple tree Blazed & marked R.R. Hence North 22 degrees
West 592 feet to a stake in the division line between the lands of said Ackley & James
Worthington, South 88 degrees East 89 feet from an Oak tree Blazed & marked R.R: Containing 1 47/100 acres.
Is owned & occupied by James Ackley that the said
appraisers have assessed the damages the said James Ackley will sustain by taking his land
above described in the manner & upon the principle herein before stated at Six Hundred Dollars ($600).
Page 509. xxx Susan P. Morgans
Susan P. Morgans to the New York Central Rail Road Company
Warranty Deed
Dated 1st October 1858
Considn: $596.50/100
Recorded in Monroe COunty Clerks Office in Book of Deeds No. 148 at Page 126

Full Conveyance
All that tract or parcel of land situate lying & being in the Town of Pittsford in the County
of Monroe, & State of New York being part & parcel of the farm of the said party of the first
part in said Town now or lately in the possession of the said Wm. H. Gallagher, & formerly owned by Elizebeth
Thompson & by her conveyed to the said Wm H. Gallagher by deed bearing date December 1st 1851. And by the
said Wm H. Gallagher & Wife conveyed to the said Susan P. Morgans by Deed bearing date the second day of October 1852.
The parcel hereby conveyed being particularly described & bounded as follows.
On the East by the West line of the Lands of the said New York Central Rail Road Company on the North
by the South line of the Land of Jarvis Lord on the West & South by the Easterly & Northerly State boundary
line of Lands taken & appropriated for the Erie Enlargement as the same is located on & across said farm
containing in the parcel hereby conveyed five acres & eighty four one hundredths of an acre of Land be the same
more or less.
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