Jeffrey Albanese, Senior Vice Commander
Initially, sometime early last summer Louis
Neuburger reminded us that a Civil War General was buried in the Slate Hill
Cemetery and that his plaque was missing and perhaps we should do something
regarding him. No one at the time knew anything about General Burnett and I
took it upon myself to do some research about him and discovered his
connection to Lincoln and the assasination.
At that point we decided to
clean up the gravesite and try to replace his plaque but we had no idea what
was contained on it. My son and I visited the site and did some maintainence
around the stone and measured the space where the plaque had been and
discovered it was quite large measuring 5 feet in length and almost 3 feet
at its highest. I then did some research on the internet and discovered the
website of General Burnett.
At that point Michael Bennett, who is our camp Secretary and
Treasurer and also the past commander of the Department of New York of the
SUVCW contacted the Burnett website creator and General Burnett great granddaughter, Mary Van Deusen, via the net and of course we learned of the existent
proof of the gravestone plaque, found by another General Burnett great granddaughter, Blaine Kimball.
A quote to replace it was obtained which
approached $5000. Lou Neuburger did some checking with the county historian
and found out that the grant amounts had been cut significantly by the
County and that we could only apply for a grant of up to $300 and would
have to spend it within a year of receipt.I thought about it and realized it
would take a while to raise the money to replace the headstone plaque and we
already were in the midst of raising $3000.00 for another project. Also, I
noted that the original plaque said nothing about the General having been
one of the three prosecutors of the Lincoln Assaination Conspirators.
I then
proposed at a meeting in the fall that we raise money initially for an
historical marker, which we could get for about $1000, which would list his
accomplishments and which we could probably be able to accomplish within a
year. This was approved by the camp and Lou Neuburger then got the paperwork
for the county grant which he and I prepared and which he presented to the
county historian, Theodore Sly. In January or February we were informed we
received the maximum amount of $300.00 for the project from the County and
the camp voted to add some leftover funds from 2 earlier projects to the
Burnett marker fund.There also were several personal contributions from
members including myself, Lou Neuburger and Warren McFarland. Other contributors should
please let us know so that we can include your names here.
Lou then got a quote to have it made
which was within the amount of money raised, and it was ordered in April or
May of this year. I designed the plaque and the wording and our Past Camp
Commander, George Miller, chose the color and installed the plaque in early
July. George Miller and I along with my son, Jeffrey S. Albanese have been
maintaining the gravsite since last year for the camp.

Slate Hill Cemetery, Goshen NY - July 24, 2004

Michael S. Bennett [Editor, The Bugle Call], Paul F. Ellis-Graham [Commander],
George S. Miller, Jr. [Past Camp Commander], John Dickerson [Junior Vice Commander], Catholic War Veterans

Paul F. Ellis-Graham

Michael S. Bennett, Paul F. Ellis-Graham,
Honey Bernstein [Goshen Town Supervisor], and George S. Miller, Jr.

Michael S. Bennett, Paul F. Ellis-Graham, Theodore Sly [Orange County Historian]

Devin Arne

Louis D. Neuburger, Sr.

Mary S. Van Deusen, granddaughter of Henry's daughter Catharine

George S. Miller, Jr., John Dickerson, and Catholic War Veterans

Gordon Mathsen, Louis Neuburger, Sr, Warren McFarland,
Jeffrey S. B. Albanese, Barry O'Neill [Chaplain],
Jeffrey Albanese [Senior Vice Commander], Ted Sly, John Dickerson,
Applegate [Commander, Catholic War Vets], Mary S. Van Deusen

Jeffrey S. B. Albanese, Jeffrey Albanese, Paul F. Ellis-Graham,
Ted Sly

Jeffrey Albanese, Barry O'Neill,
Michael S. Bennett, and Paul F. Ellis-Graham

Bill Duggan [Chaplain, VFW Post 1708] and Mary S. Van Deusen

Wreath from descendants of Henry's son Edward

Wreath from descendants of Henry's son Edward

Jim Applegate and Mary S. Van Deusen

Mary S. Van Deusen, Kenneth Newbold [Town of Goshen Councilman],
unknown, Bill Duggan, unknown