Elizabeth Breese

Sidney Breese, et al

3rd Gen Elizabeth Ann Breese + Rev. Jedidiah Morse 3rd Gen

Morse Family
Reverend Jedidiah Morse
(23 Aug 1761)
(1826, New Haven CT)
[Samuel, Sidney]
+ Elizabeth Ann Breese 14 May 1789
(29 Sep 1766)
(28 May 1828, New Haven CT)

Samuel Finley Breese Morse
Sidney Edwards Morse [married Catharine Livingston]
Richard Cary Morse [married Sarah Louisa Davis]

["Family Memorials - A series of Genealogical and Biographical Monographs, on the families of ..., Breese, ...", Edward Elbridge Salisbury, 1885]
Elizabeth Ann born Sept. 29, 1766; who married Rev. Jedidiah Morse, May 14, 1789, about the time of his installation as pastor of the First Church of Charlestown, Mass.; and died in New Haven, Conn., May 28, 1828. It is believed to have been justly said of her, in connection with her distinguished husband, that "in his duties as a host his admirable wife zealously cooperated, making her home attractive to visitors of every description by her cordial, dignified and graceful manners, and her animated conversation. She was, indeed, distinguished for possessing, in an eminent degree, both the fascination and the virtues which most adorn a woman. Her father having married his second wife before this daughter was two years old, she was brought up by her father's mother till thirteen years of age, i. e., probably, till the death of her grandmother, which took place, as we have seen, in 1779.

Jedidiah Morse was descended in the sixth generation from Anthony Morse, who left Marlborough, co. Wilts, England, in 1635, and settled at Newbury, Mass. A native of Woodstock. Conn., he was graduated at Yale College in 1783, in his twenty-second year; and received the Doctorate of Sacred Theology from the University of Edinburgh in Elizabeth Ann Breese 1794. He was the author of "the first Geography ever printed on the American continent," which appeared in New Haven in 1784; after which, for the next five years. he traveled extensively through every State of the Union, to obtain "extensive, minute and reliable geographical information." and embodied the results in a larger "Geography," which, being immediately reprinted in London, Edinburgh and Dublin, and translated into French and German, "greatly promoted migration from Europe to America." and led to correspondence between the author and some of the most eminent men of Great Britain and the Continent. He was distinguished, also, as a leader in the introduction of vaccination into this country, two of his three sons being among the first four persons vaccinated in America: and as one of the earliest friends of American Negroes, whose first actual colonization on the soil of Africa was due to his influence. He was a pioneer in the publication and distribution of religious tracts, and in the distribution of the Bible, before the formation of any Society for either object. He took a leading part in the great religious controversy of the first quarter of the present century in Massachusetts, on the side of old New England orthodoxy, and in the establishment of the Andover Theological Seminary, which grew out of that debate.

Morse Family
In 1820, having resigned his pastorate at Charlestown, and received an appointment from President Monroe as Agent of the United States to visit all the Indian tribes in the neighborhood of white settlements throughout the Union, in order to acquaint himself with their actual condition, "and to devise and report a plan for the promotion of their civilization and welfare," he traveled during two successive summers for this purpose, and afterwards prepared and published a full report of his observations and suggestions, leading the way to the establishment by the Government of an Indian Territory. He spent his last days in retirement in New Haven, Conn., dying there June 9, 1826.

Elizabeth Ann Breese

Portraits of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Morse, painted by Savage in 1794, are in the possession of their grandson Gilbert Livingston Morse. The family of the late Richard Cary Morse own a portrait of his mother in candle-light, painted by her artist-son: and there is a portrait of Dr. Morse, in his later years, by the same hand.

Jedidiah and Elizabeth Ann (Breese) Morse had eleven children, of whom, however, only three survived their infancy.

[Midwest Pioneers: Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Vol. 20]
John C. Calhoun, then secretary of war, commissioned a well-known philanthropist and geographer, Rev. Jedidiah Morse, to make a tour among the Western tribesmen, and in addition to other observations report on trade conditions. In Dr. Morse's now familiar, "Report to the Secretary of War on Indian Affairs" (New Haven, 1822), over twenty pages are given to the subject of the Indian trade. His conclusions disturbed the theorists by urging the abrogation of the factory system, alleging against its continuance the undoubted Indian misunderstanding of its purpose, and its failure as a civilizing agency.

The Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington DC is seeking information regarding small oil portrait studies done of each legislator by Samuel Finley Breese Morse for his painting "The House of Representatives" for a potential exhibition.
Morse painting
All but 2 of the 88 studies executed by Morse for the large painting are unaccounted for. Each is approximately 4 by 6 inches.

If you have any information, please contact:

Guy Jordan, Graduate Curatorial Intern
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Washington DC
(301) 639-1737

4th Gen Samuel Finley Breese Morse 4th Gen
+ Lucretia Walker
+ Sarah Elizabeth Griswold

[Elizabeth, Samuel, Sidney]
Samuel Finley Breese Morse
(23 May 1737, NYC)
(16 Apr 1800, NYC)
+ Lucretia Walker 7 Jan 1768
(14 Nov 1745)
(27 Jan 1767, NY)

Susan Walker Morse [married Edward Lind]
Charles Walker Morse
Samuel Finley Breese Morse, Jr. [illness stopped mental development at age 8]

+ Sarah Elizabeth Griswold 9 Aug 1848
(25 Dec 1822, Sault Ste Marie MI)
(14 Nov 1901, Berlin, GER)

Samuel Arthur Breese Morse [died unmarried at age 27]
Cornelia Morse [married Franz Rummel, Jr.]
William Goodrich Morse [married Catherine Augusta (Kate) Crabbe]
Edward Lind Morse [married Charlotte Dunning Wood]

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The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans]
MORSE, Samuel Finley Breeze, inventor, was born in Charlestown, Mass., April 27, 1791; son of the Rev. Jedediah and Elizabeth Ann (Breese) Morse; grandson of Dea. Jedediah and Sarah (Child) Morse of Woodstock, Conn., and of Samuel and Rebecca (Finley) Breese; great-grandson of John and Sarah Morse, of Benjamin and Patience (Thayer) Child, and of the Rev. Samuel and Sarah (Hill) Finley; great2grandson of Benjamin and Grace (Morris) Child, and a descendant of John Morse, who came from Marlborough, England, in 1635, and, settled in Newbury, Mass.

He attended the public schools of Charlestown and was graduated from Yale, A.B., 1810, A.M., 1816. While in college he attended Professor Silliman's lectures on electricity and became especially interested in natural philosophy, chemistry and galvanism. He decided to become an artist, and in 1811 accompanied Washington Allston to London, where he studied [p.482] painting under Allston, West and Copley.

In 1813 he exhibited a colossal painting of the "Dying Hercules" at the Royal academy, where it received honorable mention, and the same year presented a model in clay of the same subject to the Society of Arts in competition, and received the prize medal for the best original cast of a single figure. In July, 1814, he completed a painting of "The Judgment of Jupiter in the Case of Apollo, Marpesa and Idas," and sent it to the Royal Academy for exhibition. He returned to America in 1815, and his picture was rejected on account of his absence.

He engaged in portrait painting in Boston, Mass., and in Charleston, S.C. He was married, Oct. 6, 1818, to Lucretia, daughter of Charles Walker of Concord, N.H., by whom he had children, Charles Walker, Susan and James Edward Finley.

Elizabeth Ann Breese

In 1819 he painted a portrait of James Monroe at Washington, D.C., which was placed in the City Hall at Charleston. He removed to New York city and established a studio on Broadway, opposite Trinity church, where he painted portraits of Chancellor Kent, Fitz Greene Halleck and a full length portrait of General Lafayette for the city of New York. He founded the New York Drawing association and was elected its first president; was the first president of the newly established National Academy of Design, 1826-42; was president of the Sketch club, and delivered a course of lectures on "The Fine Arts" before the New York Athenæum.

In 1829 he traveled and studied in London, Paris and Italy. While in Paris he produced a canvas on which he depicted in miniature fifty of the finest pictures in the Louvre. He returned to the United States in 1832, on the packet-ship Sully, and on the voyage the subject of electromagnetism and the affinity of magnetism to electricity became a frequent topic of discussion, several of the passengers being well versed in science. Mr. Morse became impressed with the idea that signs, representing figures and letters, might he transmitted to any distance by means of an electric spark over an insulated wire, and on his arrival in New York city, making use of the electromagnet invented by Prof. Joseph Henry (q.v.) of Princeton, N.J., he began to develop the use of his proposed alphabet. He devised a system of dots and spaces to represent letters and words, to he interpreted by a telegraphic dictionary.

He was professor of the literature of the arts of design in the University of the City of New York, 1832-72, and it was in the University building on Washington square that he completed his experiments, with the help and advice of Professor Henry, with whom he was in correspondence. The models were made of a picture frame, fastened to a table; the wheels of a wooden clock moved by a weight carried the paper forward; three wooden drums guided and held the paper in place; a wooden pendulum containing a pencil at its power end was suspended from the top of the frame and vibrated across the paper as it passed over the center wooden drum. An electro-magnet was fastened to a shelf across the frame opposite an armature made fast to the pendulum; a type rule and type for breaking the circuit rested on an endless bank which passed over two wooden rollers moved by a crank, this rule being carried forward by teeth projecting from its lower edge into the band; a lever with a small weight attached, and a tooth projecting downward at one end was operated on by the type, and a metallic form projected downward over two mercury cups. A short circuit of wire embraced the helices of the electro-magnet and connected with the poles of the battery, and terminated in the mercury cups. By turning the wooden crank the type in the rule raised one end of the lever and by bringing the fork into the mercury it closed the circuit causing the pendulum to move and the pencil to mark upon the paper. The circuit was broken when the tooth in the lever fell into the first two cogs of the types, and the pendulum swinging back made another mark. As the spaces between the types caused the pencil to make horizontal lines long or short, Mr. Morse was able, with the aid of his telegraphic dictionary, to spell out words and to produce sounds that could he read.

The perfected idea was heartily endorsed by those to whom he exhibited it, and after many improvements in the details he published the results of his experiments in the New York Observer, April 15, 1837. In the summer of 1837 Alfred Vail (q.v.) became interested in the instrument and advanced the means to enable Morse to manufacture a more perfectly constructed apparatus. In September, 1837, Horse filed an application for a patent and endeavored to obtain from congress the right to experiment between Washington and Baltimore. He went to Europe to obtain aid, but did not meet with success. He returned to the United States in May, 1839, and it was not until March 3, 1843, just before the close of the session that he obtained from the 47th congress an appropriation of $30,000 for experimental purposes, the first vote standing 90 ayes to 82 nays.

He at once began work on his line from Washington to Baltimore, which was partially completed May 1, 1844, and the first message transmitted a part of the way by wire was the announcement of the nomination of Henry Clay for President by the Whig convention at Baltimore, Md.

By May 24 the line was practically completed, and the first public exhibition was given in the chamber of the U.S. supreme court in the capitol at Washington, his associate, Mr. Vail, being at Mount Claire depot, Baltimore, Md. Anna G. Ellsworth, daughter of the U.S. commissioner of patents, selected the words, "What God hath wrought," and the message was transmitted to Mr. Vail and returned over the same wire. The news of the nomination of James K. Polk for President was sent to Washington wholly by wire, and the news was discredited in Washington until the nomination of Silas Wright for Vice-President was received and communicated by Mr. Morse to Senator Wright, who directed Mr. Morse to wire his positive declination of the nomination, the receipt of which so surprised the convention that it adjourned to await a messenger from Washington.

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A company was formed soon after, and the telegraph grew with great rapidity. In 1846 the patent was extended and was adopted in France, Germany, Denmark, Russia, Sweden and Australia. The defense of his patent-rights involved Professor Morse in a series of costly suits, and his profits were consumed by prosecuting rival companies, but his rights were finally affirmed by the U.S. supreme court. Morse now turned his attention to submarine telegraphy, and in 1842 laid a cable between Castle Garden and Governor's Island, N.Y. harbor. He gave valuable assistance to Peter Cooper and Cyrus W. Field in their efforts to lay a cable across the Atlantic ocean, being electrician to the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph company.

He was an intimate friend of Jacques Haudé Daguerre, the inventor of the daguerreotype, whom he had met in Paris in 1839, and on his return to the United States constructed an apparatus and succeeded, in connection with Dr. John W. Draper, in producing the first sun pictures ever made in the United States. Morse also patented a marble-cutting machine in 1823, which he claimed would produce perfect copies of any model.

He was married, secondly, Aug. 10, 1848, to Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. Samuel Griswold, U.S.A., and by her had children: Samuel Arthur Breese, Cornelia Livingston, William Goodrich and Edward Lind. Mrs. Morse died at the home of her daughter in Berlin, Germany, Nov. 14, 1901. After this marriage Professor Morse made his home at "Locust Grove," on the Hudson river, below Poughkeepsie, N.Y., retaining his winter residence on Twenty-second street, New York city, and on the street front of this house a marble tablet has been inserted, inscribed: "In this house S.F.B. Morse lived for many years and died."

The honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred on him by Yale college in 1846, and he received a great silver medal from the Academic Industrie, Paris, in 1839, and decorations from Turkey, France, Denmark, Prussia, Würtemberg, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Sweden, Italy and Switzerland. He was elected a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Belgium in 1837; corresponding member of the National Institute for the Promotion of Science in 1841; a member of the Archaeological Association of Belgium in 1845, the American Philosophical society in 1848, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1849. In 1856 a banquet was given him by the telegraph companies of Great Britain and in 1858 representatives of France, Austria, Sweden, Russia, Sardinia, Turkey, Holland, Italy, Tuscany and the Netherlands met at Paris and voted an appropriation of 400,000 francs to he used for a collective testimonial to Mr. Morse.

A banquet was held in his honor in New York city on Dec. 30, 1868, Chief-Justice Salmon P. Chase presiding. A bronze statue of heroic size, representing him holding the first message sent over the wires, was modelled by Byron M. Pickett, and was erected in Central Park, New York city, by voluntary subscriptions June 10, 1871. The evening of the same day a reception was held at the Academy of Music, a telegraph instrument was connected with all the wires in the United States and the following message was sent: "Greeting and thanks of the telegraph fraternity throughout the land. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men." to this message Morse transmitted his name with his own hand on the instrument.

On Jan. 17, 1872, Professor Morse unveiled the statue of Benjamin Franklin in Printing House square, New York city. In the selection of names for places in the Hall of Fame for Great Americans, New York university in October, 1900, his was one of the sixteen names submitted in "Class D, Inventors," and was one of three in the class to secure a place, receiving 80 votes, while 85 votes were given to Robert Fulton, and to Eli Whitney.

Mr. Morse published several poems and various scientific and economic articles in the North American Review, edited the "Remains of Lucretia Maria Davidson" (1829), and is the author of: Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States (1835); Imminent Dangers to the Free Institutions of the United States through Foreign Immigration and the Present State of the Naturalization Laws, By an American (1835); Confessions of a French Catholic Priest (1857), and Our Liberties Defended, the Question Discussed: Is the Protestant or Papal System most Favorable to Civil and Religious Liberty? (1841).

His death was observed by congress, and in several state legislatures memorial sessions were held in his honor. He died in New York city, April 2, 1872.

5th Gen Charles Walker Morse + Manette Antill Lansing 5th Gen

[Samuel, Elizabeth, Samuel, Sidney]
Charles Walker Morse
(17 Mar 1823, Saybrook CT)
+ Manette Antill Lansing 15 June 1848
(17 Feb 1820, Utica NY)

James Edwards Finley Morse [married Sarah Prince]
Susan Lind Morse
Bleecker Lansing Morse [married Lutie Johnston and Ada Anderson]

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Charles Morse was the holder of several patents on inventions. Their wedding was held at the house of Sarah Ann [Breese] Walker. Manette's maid of honor was her first cousin, and now mother-in-law, Sarah Elizabeth [Griswold] Morse.

Bleecker Lansing Morse had a son, known as Bleecker Lansing Morse, Sr., as well as a grandson of the same name.

Bringing a whole new meaning to "kissing cousins."
Colonel Samuel Breese + Rebecca Finley
Elizabeth Ann Breese + Jedediah Morse
Samuel Finley Breese Morse + Sarah Elizabeth Griswold
Charles Walker Morse + Manette Antill Lansing

Colonel Samuel Breese + Elizabeth Anderson
Arthur Breese + Catharine Livingston
Sarah Breese + Barent Bleecker Lansing
Manette Antill Lansing + Charles Walker Morse
Catharine Walker Breese + Captain Samuel Birdsill Griswold
Sarah Elizabeth Griswold + Samuel Finley Breese Morse
Arthur Breese + Ann Carpender
Sarah Ann Breese + Rear-Admiral Thomas Read Walker

Elizabeth Penkethman
Breese Family

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