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Shoot Seven Feet Wide Averages Over $300
Per Ton in Gold - Engineers Estimate
Almost a Million Dollars
Actually in Sight.

The Mining Investor, June 14, 1909, page 114

(By Jack Bell.)

Rawhide, Nev., June 14. - Grutt Balloon Hill lease on Queen estate is now the sensation of the district, if not of all Nevada. In the crosscut going south 72 feet from the bottom of the 195-point the immensely rich vein that has been producing at the rate of $3,000 per day on the 130-foot level was broken into Saturday last. The ore is of a value and size that makes this property stand first in everything in mining in the entire country. The shoot is seven feet wide and the entire break assays over 15 ounces of gold, while four feet of the quartz that is perfectly in place and solid as the rock of ages gives samplings from grabs that average 30 ounces. The continuity of the vein is now proven and the company have already started the shaft down for the next life, which will be at the 75-foot level; the management have decided to go to the 500-foot point and do mining on a scale with the immensity of the strike. The estimates of the ore in sight and already blocked out by the company's engineers exceeds $800,000 and the engineers who have visited the strike and have followed the development are one in saying that there is almost a million dollars actually in sight for the lucky leasers. The returns fron the sampling works at Hazen, Nev., where all the ore has alreayd been shipped, show that the mine has already produced $55,000. When, as a matter of fact, there has not been a stope broken out and this return comes from actual development in blocking out the ore the matter of the calculations of the engineers seem to be very conservative. Yesterday this outfit shipped 30 tons to the Hazen sampler, every ounce of this ore came from the raise on the 130 that is up 40 feet. The smallest average from a set of three controls of this shipment show this one shipment to be worth $10,000. As a matter of fact there has not been an ounce of ore shipped outside that has netted less than $300 per ton. On the dump from the gangue that lies in the vein beside the ore are 400 tons that will mill at over an ounce in gold. There has been intense excitement in the camp ever since the vein was opened at the 195-foot point, and every man in the camp has been down the shaft and examined - in fact the management have turned the mine over to the visitors.

But for the big mill proposition, there is nothing here developing like the big fissure on Bethania Mines. The Lawyers lease on the Crystal Queen claim of this estate now has 14 feet of $12 mill dirt with no hanging wall in sight. The management have decided to go ahead and sink the shaft to the 100-foot point before the machinery is installed. The hoisting plant is expected in camp this week.

Bridges and Daniels, on The Queen Bethania claim, are now breaking into the vein at the 100-foot point in their 128-foot east crosscut. Pannings showing the enrichmnent for the past 10 feet have gone far to prove that this vein will be one of the big mill tonnage leases.

The Gold Reef company, operating on blocks one and two of the Bethania claim, are breaking out a new shaft on the Bridges-Daniels vein. Assays at the surface for four feet across show a value of %6.00.

Grutt Hill Truitt, on Grutt hill, is destined to be one of the big things in the camp. The rich vein that has added so many thousand dollars to the treasury of the Marigold company are now on the line of this leasehold dipping into this ground, making it one of the best on this famous hill.

The Steinheimer company, on the McMann group in the west end of the district, are now preparing a 20-ton shipment of high-grade ore that was opened last week. Sampling shows that the ore will net the company not less than $300 per ton.

Grutt Mining, on Grutt hill, are still drivin g south from the 100 and 200 stations to get into their vein that is developed on the Marigold.

Hooligan Hill Truitt have just received their bar from the Murray Mill on a 100-ton shipment. Under the new management the mill has made a saving far in excess of anything that has been done at this platn. Manager Howard stated that the saving was 92 per cent on $30 ore - the bar weighed a bit more than $3,000 and was sent to the Mint at San Francisco. This is the first run under the new management and shows conclusively that it takes practical men to make a success of a mill. The Truitt management have started a 1,000-ton lot of low-grade to the mill.

From the best authority, and from one interested in the matter, it is stated that the Nat C. Goodwin Co. have anticipated all payments on Coalition estate with the exception of the last one of $80,000, which comes due March 1st next. The company have anticipated them all to this point, and when the last one is made the company will have paid $450,000 for the Coalition estate, which comprises 164 acres in the heart of the town of Rawhide. It is also stated that the option that is out for the control of Coalition at 35 cents per share and for the Queen estate at 50 cents per share will not be exercised. Representatives of both companies state that they are well pleased that the properties will remain in their own control, as the recent developments on both holdings are increasing vastly in value daily.

The Mint shaft, on Block 10 of the Wild West claim, is now down to the 400-foot point and the company are now cutting a station. The high-grade seam that has been in the incline fron the surface is still in evidence and is as rich as ever, and the three-foot break that goes with it makes a mill product of better than an ounce in gold. There will be systematic development from the four points of the shaft at the 400.

It is a fact, and proven by figures, that Rawhide is close to Goldfield as to the regular number of men on the payroll. Grutt Balloon Hill leads with 28 men.

The camp could not be more prosperous in a mining sense than it is at this time, and the sentiment is all optimistic for the future of the camp. Visitors continue to arrive daily, and they express themselves as astounded at the production of the mines.

A table is now being prepared showing the producing mines, the output and the receipts from the shipments tthat go out daily on the string of big teams, not to mention the wagons that are strung out to and from Milltown.

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