Harry Huking, airmail pilot who several months ago, had a narrow escape from death when his plane collided with a ninety-foot tree
near Nevada City, Cal., made another plunge yesterday - a fatal one - according to his own version of the affair. In a telegram
from San Diego to Jack Bell at the Golden hotel this morning, Huking says:
"Did fatal spin into sea of matrimony yesterday. Recovery impossible."
For some unaccountable reason Huking failed to mention the name of the young lady who is now Mrs. Huking. Pilots connected with
Reno field were aware of the impending "crash" but none could recall the name of the bride today. Huking has the reputation of being
one of the top-notch pilots in the air mail service.
Last spring his plane collided with a tree, tearing away the wings and throwing the engine down a deep ravine, but fortunately,
Huking was not injured.