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High Grade and Other Northern Camps Active
Reno Evening Gazette - May 24, 1912, Page 2

Men of Means and Ability Are Taking Hold of Properties and All Are Optimistic Over the Outlook for the Region

Good reports continue to come from Buckskin, the high-grade gold camp almost within a stone's throw of the Yerington copper district.

NEW PINE CREEK, Ore., May 24. - The latter is not a new prospect, but has had much work done on it by a few men for the last five years and some fine values recently have been taken from some of the prospects there.

The ledges are clearly defined and straight, with mineralized ore colored by oxidation. Colors are plentiful from the surface and the two dozen or more men in the field are enthusiastic over the outlook for another permanent camp. The district is within two miles of the N.C.O. Railway and adjacent to one of the finest fruit, grain and vegetable sections of the country. Water is in abundance and timber is convenient, while the snow has prevented the immediate development and prospecting of the richest ground in the higher altitudes of High Grade, it has been a great asset to Gold Basin, for some of the best posted men in the country have stopped there and remained.

Timber for building and lumber is within a few miles, and there is a sawmill a few miles from the camp. Present indications, based upon the opinions of men who are at work and the showing being made where actual development work is in progress, show that the men on the ground believe they have something worth while and are going to make the most of it.

Paisley District.
Work on the Gaylord claims, now known as the Monarch properties, is progressing steadily and there is almost a carload of rich ore that assays from $157 to $206 a ton blocked out, and Messrs Campbell and Kippel will ship that amount of sacked ore to the smelter to get the actual milling test of values. C.E. Campbell has struck some rich ore on another group of claims that he is interested in and is so taken with the outlook there that he is almost excited. The Jackson claims are showing some fine ore with development.

Windy Hollow.
Perhaps the richest mines about this part of the country with the possible exception of Highgrade, are in the Windy Hollow district, 55 miles northeast of here. The amount of development work done there runs from about 1,740 feet of tunneling and shafting on the Butte, to mere prospect holes on other properties, with the Jumbo, Jumbo Chief and others showing well both in amount of work done and the quality of the ore that has been blocked out.

The best way to get to this camp is via Lakeview, though many men go to it from Bidwell and through Warner valley to Plush, then a few miles and they are at the camp.

Highgrade District.
The sensation of the year in mining circles has been the rush for Highgrade camp and that this rush seems destined to produce wonderful results there seems little reason to doubt, now that the district seems assured of the necessary capital, which heretofore it has lacked. Many men came into the district earlier than they should have done and at a time when the snow on what is believed to be the best ground prevented them from doing any prospecting or making examinations of the lodes in the vicinity, but nevertherless, these men have quietly and soberly awaited the coming of the time when they could get to the hills and spread over them like a large body of ants. Some have gone into the district and followed the snow line, and it is a daily occurrence to have reports come in of promising strikes in prospect holes scattered along the snow line.

The way the snow is melting in the hills is an indication that there will be the largest crowd of mining men in the hills that has ever been seen in this part of the world, except possibly in the Nevada camps.

The Sunset claim sold last week for $30,000; real money, too. It is a tellurium proposition and mill returns on ore shipped show $300 a ton. The Alturas shows a small streak of $80 ore. The biggest thing in the camp seems to be the Big Four. This property has a 20-foot dyke that averages $5 and a streak of high grade that runs three ounces to the ton. The Bidwell Consolidated group has milled a lot of $20 to $25 ore and has now commenced on a small streak of $1,600 ore. The Mountain Sheep has a 20-inch streak of $25 ore, while the Sunshine, the sensation of the campo, has a streak that runs from $100 to $22,000 a ton. The largest working in the camp is on the Modoc claims, under the management of the Wrigley people, of Sprearment gum fame. The company is starting work on a double compartment shaft and will push work with all speed. The Walkover group has a vein that runs from 15 to 18 inches in width with two ounces of gold to the ton of $40 ore. The Seven Lakes company has two shifts of eight men at work in its tunnel and is going ahead with all possible speed. The company expects it will have some rich ore to ship within the next few weeks.

Prominent men who have come from all parts of the country are scattered over the district so far that the names of only a few can be given. Joseph Bruner of Denver, Harry Shell of Cripple Creek, for eight years connected with the Free Coinage mine; Ed Trevarrow, for nine years with the Vindicator at Cripple Creek; J.V. Lane, for many years interested in the Titanic, with headquarters at Salt Lake; Jack Bell, superintendent of Stratton's Independence, Engineer Tallon of the Alaska Exploration company, J.M. Kellogg, another Cripple Creeker, located here to stay, Fred B. X. Dawson of Los Angeles; A.H. Oldman of Grand Encampment; Tonge, another Colorado man, while dozens of others are on the ground or trying to keep hid until they are able to give an intelligent idea of what they have seen.

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