(By Jack Bell.)
Rawhide, Nev., May 3. - The big King-Heisner
is pressing into service every man that
room can be found for. Twenty-five men have
been at work most of the week framing the
timbers and setting up the big crushers and
pumps so taht the cncrete can be mixed the
minute the last joint of pipe has been laid.
There still remains about one-quarter of a mile
of pipe to complete the line. Owing to defective
joints that much pipe had to be taken up
and thrown to one side and new pipe ordered.
This pipe is now on wagons and tonight was
camped at Sand Springs, 18 miles north of Rawhide.
It should be in tomorrow and the middle
of the week should see the water turned into
the mains and the work of mixing concrete and
laying the foundation for the big plant well
under way. As soon as the concrete foundation
is finished about 50 carpenters and mill-builders
will be turned loose on the job and unless something
unforseen happens the big plant will begin
turning its golden stream into the pockets
of Rawhide leasers and mine-owners.
This mill will be the most complete ever attempted
in this end of the state. Its initial
capacity will be 100 tons daily, and this will
be increased by the installation of additional
units as the production here demands.
The King-Heisner people promise that they
will treat as low as $10 ore at a profit. Of
course they cannot promise to run entirely on
that grade of ore, and that will not be necessary,
as very little of the ore now blocked out
as available tonnage is counted on to run that
low. They will run a reasonable amount of
that grade ore right along to encourage development.
They will mix this with the very high
grade ores and in that way strike a high grade
milling average.
The mill will be equipped with the most
modern samplers and cash will be paid on the
spot as soon as the value is arrived after passing
through the sampler. Another feature worth
mentioning in connection with the big plant is
its proximity to the producing area and the
great saving that will be effected in the freight
rate as compared with the rates that now obtain.
The King-Heisner plant, as it is known locally,
is the first plant to be installed by the
newly organized National Ore Purchasing company.
This company promises to be a very energetic
competitor of the old ore-purchasing
companies, and is very strongly backed by
Eastern capital. Plants will be strung all over
the state in the leading mining districts and
every plan will be adopted to increase production
and to give assistance to the small mine
owner and shoe-string leaser.
Walter S. Evans, representing Milwaukee
capitalists, who are erecting what is known locally
as the Evans mill at Milltown, just below
Rawhide, has received the results of comprehensive
tests his representatives have been asking
on Rawhide ores with stamps, amalgamation
and cyanide treatment. The results are almost
unbelievable, showing as they do a saving of
100 per cent. Not a cent's worth of value gets
away. The ease with which Rawhide ores can
be treated gives them such additional value
that it is well worth pondering over.
The Weiss has added automatic samplers to
the plant and is paying cash for its ores. Owing
to the small capacity of the plant and the fact
that the big producers keep the plant congested
the small leaser gets little benefit from the
cash market.
The Murray mill is being kept busy running
on Murray ores exclusively and some fat returns
are being banked to swell the company's account.
The net returns of the test shipment made
to the owners of the Bridges-Daniels lease by
the Knight-Conlon mill was $187.90 per ton all
gold. This is almost double the amount that
disinterested parties estimated the ore would run.
Daniels and Bridges, the owners of the now
famous lease on Bethania mines estate have
a unique method of treating their high grade
ore. Not content to await returns from shipment
to the outside and fearful of local treatment,
they have begun treatment on their own
account. They crush and buck-down the rich
stuff in a local assay shop and run it through
an ordinary "rocker" to recover the values
which are all in gold.
They are then making settlements to the parent
company, Bethania Mines, Inc., on a basis
of between $3.00 and $5.00 per pound. This is
without a doubt the most persistent high grade
shoot yet found in this camp and promises to
add two more millionaires to Nevada's list of
lucky leasers.
The Lawyers' lease on block 3 of Crystal
Queen claim of Bethania Mines estate are now
31 feet on their fissure where the north end of
the shoot showing gold distributed plentifully
through the quartz coming in from the south
end of the shaft. This vein is conceded by all
mining engineers who visit it as being the most
perfect fissure that they have ever seen. The
shaft has been in a good grade of mill dirt
from the collar. As soon as the 40-foot point is
reached a crosscut will be run from the north-and-south
drifts east and west to prospect the
fissures that lie on either side of this vein. A
25-horse power plant is awaiting shipment at
Tonopah and will be forwarded and installed as
soon as the ground is prospected from the 50-foot
point. A crosscut will also be run to cut
the Daniels-Bridges vein which survey shows
lies 80 feet to the west.
The Murray shaft, on the great Consolidated
estate, is at the 300-foot point where a station
is being cut. Everything being broken at this
point goes direct to the mill and the "heads"
show it to be a $20 producer. The shaft will
be continued as soon as the station has been
completed and work will be rushed to the 500-foot
point. the "glory hole" on the suface
is down 18 feet and continues to break $40 ore
for eight feet, which is loaded into wagons and
goes to the mill direct.
The Mint at the 320-foot point, after cutting
through a mud intrusion has come into the
same rich seam that has been in the shaft
continuously from the surface. The bottom of
the shaft at this point is giving a product of better
than one and one-half ounces.
The Dayton-Toledo, at the 300-foot level, in
the south drift is breaking a one-ounce product,
which is going to Milltown for treatment.
Grutt Balloon Hill continues to be the greatest
sensation in the district, and the 30-ton shipment
awaiting teams show controls of almost $400 per ton.
The Grutt Hill Truitt have received returns
from 365 pounds of picked high grade taken
from the cut where a shaft has been started
west of the working shaft that Selby's settlement
returned them $1,250. The former settlement
for 310 pounds of this high grade which
they received last week netted them $775.
Dr. E. A. Wheeler and Denver associates
have taken over the Reynolds-Ogilvie lease on
Queen estate and have opened up six feet of
ore on the apex of Balloon hill that, from careful
sampling from a 16-foot hole gives returns
of better than one ounce. Work will be prosecuted
vigorously on this lease which is a 3-year
holding with a 15 per cent and 20 per cent royalty.
The Queen estate now has three steader shippers:
The Company shaft, Kearns No. 1 and
Grutt Balloon Hill. They are sending out to
Hazen at the rate of 150 tons per week. There
is still great trouble in securing teams to transport
the shipping product of the camp, and hundreds
of tons lie about the district awaiting transportation.
Grutt Mining, on Grutt hill, in their new
shaft near the Marigold, seem to at last centered
on the body of the immense shoot that
furnishes such high grade for the Marigold and
Grutt Hill Truitt. The new shaft is down 22
feet and the owners are sacking at the rate
of three tons per day of ore that is almost
identical with that of the Grutt Balloon Hill.
In fact, samples cannot be distinguished one
from the other. This company is making ready
another 30-ton shipment of 20 ounce ore.
The Mining Exchange, known as the Mining
Stock and Exchange Board has permanently
closed its doors and disbanded the organization.