(By Jack Bell.)
Rawhide, Nev., July 11. - The Grutt Balloon
Hill lease continues to be the center of attraction,
and under the direct management of President
Casson is making strides toward regular
and methodical development. The reserves and
the manner of blocking out the immense tonnage
of high-grade is going forward and speaks
well for the future of the mine under the system
that has recently been inauguated, and if
the same lines are followed in the future the
big dividents will of a surety be forthcoming,
and that within the next 90 days.
The machinery is on the way into the camp
and when it is installed and with two hoists in
operation the money-making period will begin
with startling results, from a leasing standpoint.
It is a pretty safe prediction also that the Queen
company will recognize what this lease has done
for the estate and grant them the same period
of extension - five years - that they have given
to the adjoining leasehold - the St. Ives.
Another 35 ton shipment is getting under
way and will be ready some time during the
week. The high grade in the south west drift
continues in its remarkable enrichment, and the
other work on the upper level north is showing
high grade ore also.
The Lawyers lease on Bethania estate is still
in the spot light. In the south drift at the 80-foot
point type work has advanced 21 feet and
the entire breast is in ore that shows the most
sensational pannings of anything in Rawhide,
assays show that all the material is coming
from the shaft is better than high grade mill
dirt. The drift was run out for prospecting results
and has proven far in excess of expectations
of the owners. The whip that is in use will be
followed by the hoist that is ordered and
then the plans call for the 500-foot point.
The Gold Reef Mining company have completed
the installation of their 12 h. p. hoist, the
gallows frame is complete and the timbering of
the shaft has started. Active sinking will begin
some time early next week.
Bridges-Daniels on Bethania claim have
broken into a body of quartz on the hanging
wall side of the west vein in the north drift that
shows heaps of gold and free gold in the hand
specimens. The big shipment for the sampler
is almost completed and will be sent down to the
King-Heisner this week.
Every piece of machinery is in place and
ready for testing down at the National Ore Purchasing
company's plant. The riveters are expected
daily and then when the tanks are placed
and riveted the mill will be ready for the tets.
The management states that they will be ready
not later than the 20th of the month.
On the Grutt Hill Trust sub-lease the owners
are in the high grade shoot that was opened
July 2nd. The streak still remains at about 12
inches wide and shows the free gold and silver,
and is producing three and four sacks of jewelry
stuff every shift.
The Mint at the 400 are well along with their
station and the appearnace of the heads on both
sides look like a jewelry store. The material is
all quartz and shows plenty of sulphides and the
free gold stands out in every seam. The company
is shipping everything that comes from
the hole without sorting and the Murray mill
returns show that the product is better than
$50 per ton.
Stopes will be broken out at the 400 and men
will then be added to the pay roll and the third
shift will be added and sinking continued to the
There is a better feeling in the camp tonight
than there ever has been since the discovery
of Rawhide. Every leaser sees his way clear
and the owners are granting good extensions to
the men that have stood by their finds. There
is more work being done today than ever before,
and the money is in sight.