(By Jack Bell.)
Rawhide, Nev., May 20. - Fifty tons of ore
from the McMann claim of the Steinhelmer estate,
controls from which show a value of
$85.00 per ton, left Schurz this morning for the
Selby smelter. This is the beginning of steady
production from the Steinheimer property,
which is assuredly one of the big things of the
district. An increased force of men has been
put to work on this ground including the Dolly
shaft, which is on the west line of the estate.
The Queen Bethania Mining company, on
block 5 of the Queen Bethania claim of Bethania
Mines opened the real sensation of the
distribut when they uncovered a four-foot vein
of quartz absolutely in place in the big north
and south fissure which runs the full length
of the Queen Bethania claim, and which is
known as the Bell lode. Ever since the sensational
finds in the shafts operated by the
Little Four and Bridges-Daniels leases, it has
been a matter of close prospecting to determine
where the rich float comes from, there having
already been made one shipment of this high
grade ore. As is generally the case the shoot
in all its glittering richness was found where
least expected, being covered with volcanic
mud for a depth of but two feet. At this time
the work has progressed to the five-foot mark
and shows increased values and somewhat
greater width. It is by far the most important
discovery that has ever been made in the immediate
Rawhide district, considering a secure
vein, values and consistent and evenly distributed
richness. A shaft will be broken out
immediately and the work of development on
a big scale commenced. The assay value of
the ore shows between six and eight ounces
in gold with no silver. The character of the
ore is massive and of the soft quartz variety
with talc and jasper together layong on the
The Grutt Mining on the Wild West claim on
Grutt Hill have started work at the 100 and
200-foot levels in the main working shaft. According
to the survey they have 90 feet to drift
to catch their shoot of high grade ore which is
being developed so extensively in the Marigold
property. The drift at the 100-foot is in some
30 feet, which at the 200 the development has
reached the 25-foot point.
The Mint shaft has now reached a depth of
367 feet and is entering into what the leaseholders
say is a phonolite. A station will be
cut when the 400 point is reached and stoping
will be begun and drifts run north to the Dayton-Toledo
line, where the ore has developed to
a two-ounce shipping product on the latter property.
Grutt Ballon Hill lease continues to break
down $3,000 of high grade ore daily. An increased
force of miners has been added to the
payroll and the development has so far progressed
that the ore is now being mined in a
systematic and economical manner. Visiting engineers
pronounce this property to be one of
the greateest producers of high grade, with high
grade yet in sight to the amount of thousands
of dollars that they have ever examined.
Three sets of leases with hoisting plants are
at work on the old Kearns No. 1 property, and
are all sending to the surface ore that goes to
Hazen on a control of better than two ounces.
The Miller lease at the 167-foot level has
come into a stringer of high grade ore in the
bottom of the shaft that varies in width from
four to six inches. Free gold is plentifully
distributed through the quartz and the product
is being packed. The ore will net them $3 to $4 per pound.
p.73 (Continued From Page 68.)
The Dayton-Toledo on Grutt hill is preparing
a 50-ton shipment for the sampler at Hazen.
The middlings and screenings, which are being
sacked, give a control of one and one-half
ounces in gold. During the past week Oswald
Stein, a prominent mining engineer, has been
in the camp making an examination of several
of the principal workings on Consolidated estate.
J. K. Turner, one of the best engineers in
the country, is making a superficial examination
fo the entire district. These engineers are
quoted as saying that Rawhide is destined to
be one of the great camps in mining history.
The Royal mines are in their south crosscut
80 feet and are breaking four feet of ore that
goes into the sacks without sorting and the
amanagement states that the product will net
them four ounces in gold per ton.
The King-Heisner mill is beginning to loom
large on the horizon toward the south of town.
Already the framework is converting a considerable
portion of the foundation and a large force
of men is at work pushing the big project to
completion. The end of the present week will
see the entire framework up and part of the
machinery in place. The company last week
finished its telephone line from its water works
on the flat below town to the mill and on up
into the center of town. This company is now
furnishing a large portion of the town with
water for domestic purposes. While its mains
have not been laid from the tank at the mill
to the center of the town, it is still close enough
to work little inconvenience on the water
wagons to make the trip to the mill for their
supply of water.
Although the company now occupying the
streets of the camp with its lines affords ample
water protection in case of fire and was
demonstrated on several occasions since the big
conflagration last September, yet the new water
works which the King-Heisner people will
shortly erect will give double security.