Ore of High Grade, However, and Enhances Value of St. Ives' Property - The Latest News from the Nevada Districts.
GOLDFIELD, Jan. 7. - The rich ledge recently cut by the cross-cut on the 100-foot level of the St. Ives Leasing company's lease has proven to be a blind lead
and not the original ledge.
The new lead is about a foot wide, however, and is very rich.
The miners are now busily running a crosscut to the east in an effort to strike the main ledge once more.
The new hoisting works is being rapidly erected and it will not be long before the ore is being taken from the lower levels of the property.
Every piece of machinery, excepting the circulating pump for the big air compressor, has arrived at the Loftus-Davies-Sweeney lease on the Combination Fraction property.
The missing article, however, is expected daily and when this is in place this lease will have one of the most complete and up-to-date plants in the district.
up to last Thursday, the time the lease was closed on account of the labor trouble, an average of two cars per day was sent out from this wonder.
This, however, does not include the total production, there being an equal amount stored in the bins and on the dumps.
All of this ore is coming from the stopes and drifts at the 440-foot level.
After several weeks' delay in getting all the machinery on the ground, the Goldfield Leasing and Mining company, operating a block of ground on the Miss Jessie claim of the Laguna group,
has commenced active development work again, and in order to make up for the lost time the management proposed to push work as rapidly as possible.
The lease is equipped with a substantial hoisting plant and all the necessaries for up-to-date mining and a great deal of work will no doubt be accomplished before the lease expires.
The shaft is now down to 170-foot level, and other than cutting stations at every 100 feet there will be no letup in the work until the 500-foot point is reached.
The sensation of the district is the big strike by the Jack Bell Gold Mining company on the Red Top ground - the original discovery of the camp.
This lease has been in operation for some time, and hasa had all kinds of handicaps.
It has been almost an impossibility to secure material to do the necessary work.
The shaft was sunk the the 63-foot mark, where sinking had to be discontinued on account of lack of timbers.
The lease was sunk on a 16-foot vein of ore that gave sensational pannings on the surface.
The ore stood i the shaft for 38 feet, and panned and assayed in the pictures.
After crosscutting for a distance of 19 feet the ore was discovered.
The rock showed free gold when struck and was full of sulphides that gave shipping returns.
The crosscut was continued to the hanging wall and the ore now measures 32 feet in width.
Four feet from the hanging wall and the ore now measures 32 feet in width.
Four feet from the hanging wall and lying against it was found a copper veining that was sacking ore when turned $200 per ton.
Picked samples assay better than $16,000 in gold.