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Jack Bell, Eccentric Verdi Resident, Leaves Will
Which is as Eccentric as He Was

Nevada State Journal - November 30, 1952, Page 14

One of the most unusual wills filed in district court in recent years was admitted to probate here Friday. It was that of the late Jack Bell, well-known Verdi author and sportsman, who died at an advanced age last August 9.

Befitting a lover of outdoor life was his instruction to the heirs never to "disturb" the pine trees in the front yard of his Verdi residence by "trimming them near or on the ground."

Alternatively sentimental and businesslike, he willed all of his clothing to the Salvation Army and yet left the instruction that his antique piano must not be given away, but instead "sold to the highest bidder."

He specified that his home must be rented to families without children.

Bacigalupi to Sing

Mr. Bell requested that his remains be cremated and then returned to Reno for a memorial service, at which Frank Bacigalupi was to sing the selection "My Buddy."

Following the memorial service, the will said, his ashes were to be accompanied to Mercer, Pa., where they would be buried "with my folks." A photograph of his mother was to be placed in the urn of ashes.

It was learned yesterday that his wishes as to cremation, services and burial were meticulously carried out. However, some of his other wishes will not be realized. For example, Mr. Bell left his home and the bulk of his other property to his friend, Attorney S. Boyle, now deceased. As a result the property will revert to the heirs - five cousins residing in the East and in California.

The Verdi man directed that the late COunty Clerk Elwood H. Beemer be the executor of the will. Because Mr. Beemer died before the will was filed in court. Judge Harold O. Taber yesterday appointed Dr. Sidney J. Tillim, who was Mr. Bell's guardian, as administrator with the will annexed.

Fishing Gear Bequeathed

Another provision of the Bell will was that Rudy Herz, 1019 Wells Ave., and the late Henry Brown, a game warden, were to receive Mr. Bell's fishing gear.

The will was dated March 18, 1947. Dr. Tillim's petition for appointment stated that the estate has a nominal value of less than $3,000.

Mr. Bell prefaced his will with the statement that he was over the age of 80 and of sound mind. At the time of his death his age was listed as 88.

One of his requests was that his executor gather up some "stuff" Mr. Bell had wrapped in packages and burn it. The "stuff" consisted of papers of various kinds the deceased accululated during his lifetime.

Home May Be Sold

Attorney Norman H. Samuelson, attorney for the administrator, yesterday said it was possible that Mr. Bell's home would be sold, in view of the fact that all the heirs reside in other states.

Asked whether the provision prohibiting the trimming of the pine trees would be binding on a purchaser, Mr. Samuelson expressed doubt that it would.

Likewise, it appeared certain no purchaser would consent to the instruction that the house must never be rented to families with children.

A native of Pennsylvania, Mr. Bell served in the Spanish American War and World War I. He was at one time a Washoe county deputy sheriff at Verdi and was noted for the large Colt revolver he carried. He was correspondent for the New York News and wrote for a number of magazines, specializing in outdoor life. His knowledge of hunting and fishing was recognized by sportsmen throughout the West.

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