New Members Are Initiated at Warm Session
of Reno Sportsmen
The Reno Carp club at their regular meeting Saturday night initiated many new members who were given personal and leading queries as to
their eligibility for membership in this exclusive sportsmen's organization. There was less wrangling, when the initiates were queried regarding
their knowledge in the arts, parts and points of culture and apportionment of the many intricate methods of dressing and preparing carp.
George Springmeyer stood the tests and cross examinations with an unusually high average. When the committee had finished their gruelling and had
completed the club's questionaire he was permitted to make a speech. His speech was short. His remarks for the most part cannot be told, as it
would make public many of the secrets of the organization, however, he said:
"The members of the carp club must be well soured on the world and themselves when they are driven to hooking the inoffensive and helpless carp."
Many of the members took exception to the use of the word inoffensive in his speech, and as has obtained in former meetings the argument started.
The near riot was calmed when the recently appointed chaplain, Rev. Brewster Adams, asked Charles Stever the president, if he would be out of order if
he made a verbal acceptance of his appointment as chaplain.
"Go as far as you like, and I will see that the radical members (and he looked hard at Henry Brown, Bill Shields, Harry Humphreys, Frank Caldwell,
J.W. Conlisk, Frank Leonard, and a few others of the insurgents - who always create argument at the meetings) keep quiet, or there will be some of
these men in contempt, and perhaps I may suspend them."
"Mr. President and members of this popular organization, I accept the honor ofassociating with a lot of poor fish."
"What do you mean by 'poor fish,'" interrupted Herb Hill.
"Mr. Hill you are out of order - proceed," said President Stever.
"My recipe for preparing carp is as follows," continued the chaplain. "If regular stuffing is not available,
a couple of Journals with Jack Bell's carp stories will do. Remove all the feathers, and boil with oak plank until
the smell is gone and eat the plank,"
The weather has been too cold for the fishing contests. Ice covers most of the preserves, except at river points or where sloughs empty into the river.
However, notice has been served that members may try their luck next Sunday, and prizes will be awarded for the largest and smallest carp taken.
Earl Harrington has been busily engaged all week spading his own and neighbor's gardens prospecting for "gardenhackle" lures. The committee
appointed to secure "gardenhackle" has been unsuccessful. Persons having gardens, and who are unable to have their work done for spring planting might
notify President Stever, who no doubt will assign his "gardenhackle" committee to this work, as it seems to be the only means of getting bait for the club.
The names and addresses of all the officers and members of the Reno Carp club will be forthcoming next meeting and will be made ready for
publication under the cover of the amended by-laws, rules and regulations of the carp club. Chief of Police J. M. Kirkley was appointed sergeant at arms.