Frank Hervey Pettingill of Colorado Springs this week took over control of the famous Jack Bell lease on the Queen Bethania.
The shaft is down not more than 23 or 24 feet, but the showing there is immense. It has a fissure vein five and a half feet
in width, which will go all the way across $40 to the ton. There are eight feet of ore on the footwall, from which values
as high as $3000 have been taken.
Mr. Pettingill, who came here from Colorado Springs, was much impressed with the camp, and has had his engineers here making exhaustive examinations.
He pronounces the camp almost identical with Cripple Creek and was surprised to see so many old Cripple Creekers among the leasers.
And he found them all determined not to sell; but he made Colonel Jack Bell the kind of an offer that men do not usually refuse.
A company will be incorporated for 300,000 shares, under the name of the Rawhide Queen Bethania Mining Company.