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Four Feet of Ore in Bottom of Shaft Averages
Better than $70 - Grutt Balloon Hill Gets
Nearly $15,000 from 55 Tons of Ore.

The Mining Investor, June 20, 1909, page29 xx

(By Jack Bell.)

Rawhide, Nev., June 20. - There is no gainsaying the importance of the new strike on the Mint lease on Grutt hill. From the exact 400 mark in the shaft the hanging wall of the primary fissure came into the shaft. Now at the 408-foot point the ore in the vein is stronger than ever and the sulphides are mixed with free gold, the quartz is commencing to show back and the signs point to the tellurium content, as a matter of the investigations so far, the reactions give quite a strong showing in tellurides. Four feet of ore is exposed in the bottom of the shaft, and the assays have averaged better than $70 ever since the ore was encountered. The management will continue sinking to the 500 and if the ore is still there the shaft will follow down to the 1,000-foot point. The property about the shaft is crowded with interested mining men all the day long now and the appearnace of the crowds remind one of the big strike on this same shaft one year ago to the day the present strike was made - the discoveries seem to fall in cycles of one year all over the camp. The Mint shaft is now the deepest workings in the camp and have the greatest showing at this depth that they have ever had. The vein is permanent and absolutely in place. It is a safe prediction to state that this property will make one of the great mines of the camp when the development on the ore proceeds to the blacked out stage.

Grutt Balloon hill have received their settlement sheet from the sampler at Hazen on the last 55 tons that were sent to this reduction plant net results of the entire shipment nets the company $14,820. Another shipment of nine tons of high grade has gone forward and the home control gives a $398 result. The shaft has been started with three shifts of men each, this brings the pay roll up to 31 men. The stopes are to be broken out this week and this will add 10 more miners to the already large force. All of the great mines in the country fail in actual richness and size of ore bodies when compared to this now famous lease. During the past week there has been any number of out of town engineers examining this property - they are all of the same opinion and that is that this is one of the greatest and richest mines that they have ever seen in all their varied careers. Without exception they insist that the great Mohawknever had the ore in sight from the 145 up that this ground shows and the net proceeds to the company from the development alone in ore shipped is now $69,820 - the question naturally arises, what will be the treasury returns when the stoping begins on large scale and the men are crowded into the workings and the 50-horse power hoist and six drill compressor installed - the answer from the mining men of Rawhide is "Millions! millions!" Every man in the camp is the possessor of a sample of the high grade ore from this lease - most of them have thrown the rich ore into the forge and blitered the silver, which shows in myriads of globules of both gold and silver, making sensational cabinet jewels. In fact there is no rock to be seen, just the pure metal. There is one commendable feature of the management of this lease - no man is refused permission to go below and make a thorough examination of the mine and all are allowed to pick down the metal that shows in the 8-foot vein. The Lawyers lease on Bethania Mines is now at the 70-foot point, the shaft is being carried now 8x8 feet, this is the prospecting hole, and the main working shaft will be sunk at a point 60 feet west from the collar of the present incline. The assays for the entire break still show increased values and will go to the mill at not less than $12 for the immense tonnage that is steadily coming to the surface. The fissure is beginning to straighten up and stands at 80 at the present depth. The Bridges-Daniels on block 8 of Bethania claims are hoisting ore from their No. 1 shaft from both the east and west workings and the assays show that the product will go to the mill from the big vein at better than $19.00 per ton. Winzes will be started on both veins sometime within the next ten days.

The Grutt Hill Truitt seems destined to get the Marigold vein of high grade within the next fifty feet, as this shoot of ore is steadily dipping out from the Marigold's west side line. The development in the Truitt continues on developing lines for the Marigold shoot. The Marigold management took off one shift which has reduced the pay roll considerably.

The National Ore Purchasing company state that they will be ready to turn over the 100-ton sampler on July 15th, and that they will be ready to receive ore from the leasers about the 25th. They will run through waste for a period of ten days to have the machinery thoroughly tried out.

The Victor shaft is nearing the 300 station, and the management states that the 10-stamp mill is en route from the East. They are developing the ore above the 300.

The Steinheimer company on the McMann and Dolly groups of claims are getting their second shipment of high grade ready for the smelter. The working force has been increased and the mine is now one of the regulars in the shipping list.

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