(By Jack Bell.)
Rawhide, Nev., July 4. - The most important
developments in the camp at this time are
on the Mint lease. A discovery of high grade
ore at the 400-foot level has brought more visiting
engineers and mining men into Rawhide
than anything heretofore discovered in the
camp. The station has been cut at this point
and a drift run in the back of the cut 10 feet
north. The ore is becoming richer and the high
grade quartz, free gold and suphide streak, ius
almost a foot wide as it lies against the hanging
wall. From the time this ore was struck
at the shaft there has been absolutely no
change in the even distribution of the values
across the entire vein outside of the high grade
which is widening as the drift proceeds. A
sample taken by an employee of the parent company
across the back of the cut 9 feet wide,
gave a return of $352.00. The drift at this point
north will be driven to the side line 300 feet
away and the stopes will follow in quick succession
and be broken out up to the 100-foot
level. The south drift shows the enrichment
but not as strongly as that in the north. The
company has bargained for a big compressor
plant now at Fairview, Nevada, and which they
state will be on the ground within the next 10
days. With this outfit are 5 drills and the company
will go ahead and mine on a big scale,
sinking the shaft at the same time.
This lease runs for a period of three years
and the owners have decided to sink the shaft
to the 1,000 point instead of the 700-foot
point that extension granted called for.