Two Men Lose Their Lives in Colorado - Trains Blockaded
Denver, Col., Feb. 20. - During the past 12 hours there has been almost a storm of snowslides in the mountains.
Two men are known to have been killeed and on the mountain railroads trains are tied up between banks of snow,
tracks having been damaged or swept away.
A snowslide in Provo canyon, Utah, covers the house and barn of WIlliam W. Ferguson.
Ferguson was killed.
J. E. Bell started out from Ouray, Col., this morning to deliver the mails to mountain towns and camps in that section.
He had two horses.
A man following saw a slide strike Bell and bury him.
Rescuing parties were called but were unable to find his body.
Near Rico a station on the Rio Grande Southern just after a passenger train had crossed a trestle a slide about a quarter of a mile wide damaged the structure.
Just beyond Leadville, near Bush, two engines and a caboose were swept from the Midland tracks but no lives lost.