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Class of 1962 Student Index

LATIN CLUB: (l to r) Dianne Benkovic, secretary; Bonnie Meyers, treasurer; Jean Drumm, vice-president; and Laurie Keiffer, president.

FRENCH CLUB: (l to r) Clarice Strauch, vice-president; Sue Brooks, secretary-treasurer; and Nan Dillon, president.

ALPHA PHI CHI: (l to r) Standing: Jeanne Kuhlenberg, corresponding secretary; Charlotte Knaus, secretary; Donna Miaduski, vice-president; Mary Agnes Carroll, librarian; Ann Marie Rogers, president; Ramona Nowak, librarian; Terre Benson, treasurer.

Future Teachers are on their way to observe teaching techniques in other schools. Officers are (l to r) Joan Donovan, historian; Clarice Strauch, president; Judy Ewing, secretary; Maureen Tobin, treasurer; Kathy O'Keefe, parliamentarian; Janice Kuban, vice-president.

Orchestra officers: (background) Dianne Rawlings, vice-president; Judy Prisby, president; (foreground) Caroline Neiman, Judy Druzick, and Carolyn Johnston, librarians.

Future Nurses (l to r) Donna Kubiszak, Mary Kay Keane, Gerry Donovan and Carol Stukel discuss their career with Mrs. James Donovan.

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