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Sophomores - Miller - Zavala
Taquin '59 ToC                           Taquin '60 ToC                           Aquinas                           Taquin '61 ToC                           Taquin '62 ToC
Class of 1962 Student Index

Catherine Miller                                   Janice Miller                                   Judy Miller

Donna Mioduski                                   Sue Moran                                   Mary Moreno

Marion Morgan                                   Claudia Mulcahy                                   Joanne Musashe

Mary Nash                                   Carolyn Nieman                                   Sheila O'Brien

Betty O'Connor                                   Eileen O'Connor                                   Kathleen O'Keefe

Kathleen O'Neil                                   Joanne O'Reilly                                   Susan Passananti

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Her mother says that "it seems like only yesterday I was getting her ready for a third grace
birthday party, and then just a few months ago helping her choose a dress for her first dance date."

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Phyllis Pinta                                   Marilyn Pope                                   Rosalie Powers

Sandra Pozdel                                   Judith Prisby                                   Judy Prosek

Helen Quinn                                   Patricia Rafferty                                   Shirley Rainsford

Dianne Rawlings                                   Ann Marie Rogers                                   Mary Rohe

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