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Beauty Enhances the Home
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Class of 1962 Student Index

Beauty Enhances the Home

An All-A group of HOMEMANAGEMENT students were honored by strolling through the SCHWARTZ GALLERIES where art objects from around the world are exhibited and where with Mr. S. Schwartz as their host much was explained that impressed the girls of the available beauties of homemaking where one object of art would add much color and life to a room.

Mr. S. Schwartz and Mrs. Schwartz posed in the perfect setting with Marilynne Crosby, Challen Hart and Beverly Knes. Maureen Lynch, Marilynne Crosby and Barbara Fingleton look over the blueprint settings of furniture and furnishings for the home. Carol Ross and Geraldine Grimsheid look over the possible fabrics as attendant obliges.

A circle of friends and a good friend to have. Mr. S. Schwartz.

Looking at a masterpiece, Barbara Fingleton, Geraldine Grimsheid, Mr. Schwartz, Maureen Lynch, Dorothy Lyons and Carol Ross.

Senior Rita Dolan and Mrs. Schwartz with an object D'art.

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