Henry Welles Livingston to
Henry Livingston
September 9, 1813
NYPL Letters
Gilbert Livingston Collection
9 September 1813
Dear Papa
I arrived in this City last evening with my Neice Elizabeth Breese
and shall leave it again at four tomorrow morning, for Boston
where she will spend the winter, and probably the year, with
her Aunt Salisbury - I shall after spending a few days with her
return by the way of Hartford and Poughkeepsie so that in about
three weeks and I [presume Papa] I shall our [more] be rendered
happy by greeting those I love- We left Utica at 6 in the morning
and arrived here at 1/2 past eight in the Evening which must I
think be called good traveling.
Our friends at the [west?] are in health-
In the paper of this morning I observe orders for another
Conscription which embraces Oneida and the Counties adjoining-
Give my best love D[ear] mama and the children-
Affectionately Yours
H.L. Esq.
Elizabeth Breese was the daughter of Arthur Breese and
Henry Welles Livingston's sister, Catharine Livingston.
Catharine had died in 1808, when Elizabeth was 11 years
old. Arthur was left with 9 children, whose ages
ranged from 7 months (Mary Davenport Breese) to only 14 (Samuel Breese). By 1813, Samuel was probably off to the Navy (ending his
career a rear admiral) and the next oldest brother, Sidney (who ended
his career as Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court), was only
13. This most likely explains why Henry, 35 years old at the time,
was the one taking his niece to Boston for Arthur.
Aunt Salisbury was Abigail Breese Salisbury, the sister of
Arthur Breese and the daughter
of Colonel Samuel Breese and Elizabeth Anderson. Abigail had
married Josiah Salisbury, a Boston merchant, and they had had
two children of their own, Edward Elbridge Salisbury
and Elizabeth Martha Salisbury. Since Edward was born in 1814,
it's not unreasonable to imagine that Elizabeth Martha might have been named
for her first cousin, Elizabeth Breese.
Edward ended up as a
famous Yale Oriental scholar. Elizabeth married her cousin,
Theodore Dwight Woolsey, another famous Yale scholar, who was also
President of Yale Oct. 21, 1846, to Oct. 11, 1871. Woolsey was
a grandson of Reverend Benjamin Woolsey, who was also the grandfather
of Major Henry Livingston's first wife, Sarah Welles.
When Elizabeth Breese was 19, she married William Malcolm
Sands, a Navy purser that she might well have met through her
brother, Samuel Livingston Breese.
Sadly, this letter was written only 6 weeks before Henry Welles
Livingston died in Hartford CT. It is unknown if he had
made it home to see his family before he died. A story told
by "Aunt Gertie" in the NYHS describes how Henry Livingston and
his son, Dr. Charles Patterson Livingston, went to Hartford to
help Henry and returned with black ribbons tied to their hats, so
everyone knew that Henry Welles Livingston had died.
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