Henry Livingston, Jr.
Henry Livingston's Poetry

SONG. - Tune, German Spa

Shrew'd remarkers often say
Men were formed to betray;
Form'd to fascinate the fair,
Then to plunge them in despair:
Tyrants of creation made,
Prone like tyrants to invade!
Wanting what they can't enjoy,
        And to love unknowing.

Feigning rapture when we're by,
Willing at our feet to die:
Vow, the smiles or frowns of fate
On important females wait.
If, unversed in their arts,
We surrender up our hearts;
Cool, they view the sacrifice,
        And the maid expiring.

While my heart is yet my own,
Nor my soft affections flown;
Ev'ry passion at command --
Free my heart as free my hand;
Cool, I'll hear the tale of love,
'Till convinc'd, I may approve:
Then I'll fly to meet my swain,
        Nor disguise my rapture.

German Spa
Click image for larger one

New-York Magazine; or Literary Repository, February 1791, p173, by R


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