Henry Livingston, Jr.
Henry Livingston's Poetry

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'Comic Book' Poems to Antique Postcards            Henry's Original Manuscript            'Night Before Christmas' to Antique Editions
(CBV - links to heavily illustrated "comic-book" version of a particular poem)

The Poetry of Henry Livingston  (1748-1828)
Manuscript Book
Easter 1784 WHEN JESUS bow'd his awful head 36 11 Apr 1784
Job 1776 TWAS night. And thickest gloom prevail'd around. 20
Invitation to the Country   CBV   The winter all surly is flown, 56
Nine Sisters Rebus   Take the name of nine sisters that romp on Parnassus, 20
Habakkuk   THO frosts destroy or blasts invade, 24
Isaiah   In that ecstatic, joyous day, 36
Lo From the East   Lo from the East the sun appears 28
Montgomery Tappan 1784 The sweetest, gentlest, of the youthful train, 20 Montgomery Tappen died 20 Nov 1784
Memory of Sarah Livingston   CBV 1783 BEYOND where billows roll or tempests vex 16 Sally died 1 Sep 1783; not clear when poem written
Memory of Henry Welles Livingston   CBV   A gentle spirit now above 16 Henry died 6 Jan 1778; not clear when poem written
Queen of Love Rebus   FAIRER than the queen of love, 24
Deity Rebus   Take the name of the Deity lovers obey 20
Joanna's 33rd Year   CBV 1786 On this thy natal day permit a friend 16 33rd year can't be 33rd birthday by mss chronology
Sally's Wren   Hasty pilgrim stop thy pace 20
Frontier Settlement   CBV   YES, yes my swain, thy faithful wife's prepar'd 26
Apollo Rebus   The mount where old Homer has station'd Apollo: 30
Timmy   CBV 1785 Master Timmy brisk and airy 32 7 Dec 1785
The Dance   CBV 1786 Take the name of the swain a forlorn witless elf 33
A Valentine   CBV   WELLCOME wellcome happy day 22
Gentleman Leaving Pakepsy 1786 In summer the aerial musicians around 41
Hero Rebus 1786 That hero whose great & magnanimous mind 38
Letter to Brother Beekman   CBV 1786 To my dear brother Beekman I sit down to write 47
The Vine & Oak   A vine from noblest lineage sprung 68
To Spadille   CBV   Thou little four-led'd paltry varlet 26
War Rebus 1786 Take the name of that hero who dreadful in war 38
Sages Rebus 1786 Take the name of that planet which sages declare 32
1787 New Year's Address   CBV 1786 Before the friends of Mr. Power 60
To Anne   CBV 1786 To his charming black-ey'd niece 12 Anne Duyckinck was born 26 Dec 1776
Acknowledgment   CBV 1787 With the ladies' permission most humbly I'd mention 26
Mistress Van Kleeck 1787 My very good landlady, Mistress Van Kleeck, 26 Jan 1787
Parody "Death of Wolfe"   In a mouldering cave where the wretched retreat 16
The Fly 1787 As on a summer's fervid day 26 Valentine?
Careless Philosopher's Soliloquy   CBV 1787 rise when I please, when I please I lie down 14 Guarantees Henry is R by publication
Belle   CBV   If ever 'twas proper and lawful and decent 14
Frontier Song   CBV   Let statesmen tread their giddy round 16
Alcmena Rebus   The son of Alcmena, the champion of fable, 30
Rispah 1794 FROM morn to eve from eve to rosy morn 20 Death of Daughter Cornelia, 28 Apr 1794
To Miss   CBV 1789 Hail! pride of each lass & the wish of each swain 12
Procession 1789 The legislators pass along 34
To Miss (Roses)   CBV 1789 Sweet as op'ning roses are, 14
Epithalamium   CBV 1790 Twas summer, when softly the breezes were blowing, 30 Helen married Jonas Platt, Jun 1790
Monarchs Rebus 1790 The wisest of monarchs yet weakest of men, 18
Loose Poems
On My Little Catharine Sleeping 1775 Sweet Innocent lye still & sleep, 22 9 Sep 1775
Dialogue Pray dearest mother if you please 20 Wife Jane and her children
The Frog King 1814 The frogs, of calm & quiet tir'd, 36 Original on envelope; after Sep 1825
Original Poems 1814 The frogs, of calm & quiet tir'd, 12 Original on envelope; after Sep 1825; shows creation process
Written in Daughter Jane's Manuscript Book
A Fable. (Bats) 1827 When time was young the story goes 39 Apr 1827
Scots Wha Hae Wie Wallace Bled   CBV 1827 In arts and arms Escotia stands 20
The Crane & Fox 1827 In long gone years a fox and crane 71 19 Feb 1827
God is Love   CBV 1827 I love my feeble voice to raise 32
Midas 1827 The miser Midas to his store 30
Without Distinction   CBV 1827 Without distinction, fame, or note 6
No Question - Tombstone, Based on Other Work
Gilbert Cortlandt 1786 BEYOND where billows roll or tempests vex 14 Death of 1st cousin, 12 Nov 1786; based off Sally's poem
Catharine Breese Livingston 1814 We fondly nurs'd an op'ning rose, 4 Death of younger daughter Catharine, 13 Sep 1814; tombstone
Catharine Livingston Breese 1808 Her little bark on Life's wide Ocean tossed, 12 Death of elder daughter Catharine, 21 Aug 1808; based off mother's poem
Published R and By Style; or Owned and Attributed
Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas 1806 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 56 Written about 1806; Published 23 Dec 1823 out of Moore's home;
Attributed by descendant attribution and style
Marriage Tax   CBV   With tears in my eyes I the other day saw 25 R; published 4 Apr 1787
The Writing of Hezekiah   WHEN blooming health and chearful days 28 R; published 15 Apr 1788
Song. Tune, German Spa.   CBV   Shrew'd remarkers often say 24 R; published Mar 1791
Arabella   Blooming as the youthful May, 16 R; published Feb 1793
Past is the Hour   CBV   PAST is the hour, forever flown, 36 R; published 6 Aug 1794
Acrostic on Eliza Hughes   CBV   E v'ry grace in her combine, 11 R; published 12 Sep 1798
Acrostic on Maria Martin   CBV   M UCH I admire, thou loveliest of the fair, 11 R; published 9 Aug 1794
1803 PB Carrier Address   CBV 1802 All hail to the season so jovial and gay 83 published 1803; attributed by granddaughter
1819 PJ Carrier Address   CBV 1818 TIME, with his pinions broad and strong 104 published 1819; inherited by descendants
Adventures of an American Eagle   In bleak Potosi's inmost cells 81 R; published 20 Mar 1822
End Henry
Start Henry Plus
Carrier Addresses; By Style
1788 PJ New Year's Piece 1787 And now our good patrons pray melt into pity 14 based on other poems (gods - ditty, sisters, airy parnassus)
1807 PB Carrier's Address 1806 To the regions of Pluto, and banks of the Styx, 81 based on other poems (Dutch, listing categories - fee, adieu, pudding)
1811 PJ Carrier's Address   CBV 1810 Young Misses have their Valentine, 108 based on other poems (lists, changing rhythm - shiners, children's children, attend, deluge, ward off, sinks in, kind patrons)
1815 PJ Carrier's Address   CBV 1814 Young Misses have their Valentine, 108 based on other poems (changing rhythm - hie thee, tost, dispute, patrons, columbia)
1816 PJ Carrier's Address 1815 FAREWELL, FIFTEEN, farewell forever! 108 based on other poems (changing rhythm - farewell, columbia, squadrons, columns, field (of battle), ensigns, bark/barque, soothe, the fair, fray, banner)
1823 PJ Carrier's Address   CBV 1822 An ancient sage was once requir'd 136 based on other poems (changing rhythm, lists - sage, (1816 portentous, varying) expiring, capacious, pity)
By Style
For the PJ Owner   Old Sloop the Poughkeepsie Journal, 34 based on other poems (ditty, rest the, attention, thunders roar, lightnings flash, billows, stand=land, safe within the .. port, adieu, anchor drop, hour=pow'r}
Fair Adaline   FAIR Adaline sigh'd on her brave warrior's breast, 40 based on other poems (gleam-scene, arms-charms, alarms/arms, I'll fly to, rapture, sigh'd, victory, adieu, Victory, Pierc'd, convey'd, swell'd, with her charms, laurel, graces, in vain, fair one, all shrouded)
Hope 1817 Amid the varying scenes of life, 24 by R; based on other poems (varying scene, To fright, Fair Hope (tears of science), life=strife, ground=around, above=dove, grief=relief, cure=sure, mind=mankind)
Robin   CBV 1788 On sportive pinions once I flew, 36 signed New-York, based on other poems (day=pay, die=nigh, do=you, fed=head, food=wood, prevail=tale, pinions, once I, fatal, nigh, pierc'd, rear'd, chirping, serenely, pity, harden'd, refuge, I fly, in vain, rising day)
Christmas Hymn 1801 HARK! what glad sounds the dreary desart cheer, 20 Henry, Poughkeepsie, based on other poems (more=o'er, mind=mankind, enraptur'd, s/he flew, for our)
Filly and Wolf 1822 'Twas on a May morn's earliest dawn, 30 sounds like crane&fox; based on other poems (fly=sky, face=place, 'Well met' repetition like crane&fox, Queen, Upon my, cries, full in, stood=food)

(repetitions: Well met sweet miss! Well met indeed, / A charming morning added he, A charming morning echo'd she; / must not, cannot, will not / You're young, you're very young, / biters should be bit / wit be doom'd to combat wit) /

Less Sure
A Fair Bargain   AS Satan was taking an airing one day 28 "And away they all flew, like the down of a thistle:"/"darted away in a blaze, like a rocket"; based on other poems (Unimpeded by me/unmolested by me; day=way, breast=confest, Columbia's, genius, blooming, To follow, their fate, gen'rous, already, fav'rite, a sigh, fears, confest, resign'd)
Affectation 1806 I ONCE was told a damsel fair, 127 based on other poems (fair=care, more=x, tears=fears, house=mouse, o'er=before, cease=peace, jade, dropt, form'd, luckless, leisure, I blush, tore, o'erwhelm'd, despair, dropt, critic, compose, elf, acted o'er, attend, tattle, prattle, everlasting peace)
On the New-Year 1802 LO! from the east, sol's radiant beams appear, 20 almost identiical first line to Lo from the east; based on other poems (propitious, Demands, Stript, forlorn, piercing, wrapt, Soars, varying, appear=year, around=sound, plan=man, charms=arms, fire=admire, year=appear)
Hannibal Rebus and Soln 1795 THE name of a general famed of old, 35 poem signed Climax, solution unsigned; poem and solution have a near-rhyme; based on other poems (measure=pleasure, renowned, abus'd, Columbia, Vintner, fame)
New-York Rebus and Soln 1791 TAKE a city once founded on Victory's field, 98 year Henry published most in NYMLR; poem signed A.B.; soln signed New-York; BUT: feels clunky; based on other poems (field=yield, Victory, reign'd, Commerce, tyrants, Freedom, turrets, extatic (ecstatic), spheres)
The Rose and Snail 1822 A Snail thus once addressed a Rose: 36 BUT: not a rhyme scheme he prefers; based on other poems (he doesn't use second 'the' in title, fond embrace)
Tears of Science bef.
At the seat of instruction, where once she was blest, 48 lists Political Barometer in which he publishes; BUT published 1806 when Eliza and Jane too young, Henry Welles could be boy; based on other poems (began=man, came=fame, eyes=arise, design'd=mankind, despair=fair)
Tipple and Smoke 1799 WITH a pipe of Virginia, how happy am I, 32 PJ 15 Jan 1799; Henry writes songs and likes cigars; based on other poems (away=day, shares name=fame with Hannibal and NY Rebus, thy name, glows, shares envelop'd w NY Rebus, crown'd)
A Receipt for Writing Novels   TAKE a heroine, free from the tincture of vice, 41 based on other poems (loose; tho'; cormorants; chearing; Renown'd; meek; thunder; woe; colour, life=strife, breath=death)
End Henry Plus
Should Have Been Included as Certain, But I Hated It
1809 PJ Carrier's Address 1808 LAST night father Time, from his old tablet drew, 84 Inherited by the Thomas family; negative tone might be after death of daughter Catharine; based on other poems (Genius, Kind patrons, pother, sigh'd, halter, flood=stood, more=.., flown=.., pother=brother)
Stupidly Overlooked by Me - By Style and Where Published
1787 PA Carrier's Address 1786 THROUGH wet and dry, and frost and snows, 20 based on other poems (increase, Happy Year, contending, commerce, trade, arts, rage=x, year=cheer, night=light)
1804 PB Carrier's Address 1803 As round the changing seasons roll, 103 based on other poems (lists, gilt fane-gilt turret, charm-purses, fountain, lawyers-fees, stop!, Columbia's, serenely, x-array, millions, lave)
1805 PB Carrier's Address 1804 GOOD morning EIGHTEEN HUNDRED FIVE, 150 based on other poems (despot, surly, your poet, bestride, sooty, Forsook, Puff, assail'd, curs, Seiz'd)
We Take It Out, We Put It Back, Endlessly
Cant Phrases 1795 AS sound as a nut, o'er the plain 40 earliest known 1795, Weekly Museum & PJ, in both of which Henry published; reprinted endlessly; use of 'parody' as 'paraphrase'; near rhymes; based on other poems (plain=x, vale=pale, plains=swains, molasses, button, fates, With passion)
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