Famous Paintings by Renowned Artists
Biographical and Pictorial
The highest form of the painter's art is conceded to be the delineation of the
human figure, and the loftiest range of figure painting is that which is comprehended
under the general title of the nude. The painting of the nude model is the
crowning test of an art student's proficiency, and the accomplished artist turns to
classical and idyllic subjects in order to establish the loftiest standard of his skill.
Only those who have made an actual study of art can really understand the
enormous difficulties involved in the representation of the human form, in all its subtle
beauties of outline and its delicate inflections of color and light and shade, unassisted
by the picturesque accessories of costume. It has been said that the successful execution
of such subjects definitively marks the difference between an artist and a painter,
and that this is the case, the examples presented in this work will, we think, prove.
While. in practically every instance, the artists represented in these pages are
painters of conceded eminence and international fame, these facts have had no
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Chapter 1 Text
Francois-Maurice Lard