Manuscript in Thomas Collection empty Mozart transcription by Mary Van Deusen, Corrections by Mary Jane Corry

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O could the various force of sound
Point out the lovers' anguish
Then would the notes of life rebound
Then would they sweetly languish.

Well might the sprightly fife declare
Hope; or the softer lute dispair
Then would the notes with life rebound
Then would they sweetly languish.

Thus with my heart when Delia smiles
Soon it exults with pleasure.
But when she frowns, obedient still,
I seek a softer measure.

O could you with me sympathize
Watch but the motion of her eyes.
Then would the notes with life rebound
Then would they sweetly languish.

Before 1797, when it appears in the Music Book of Henry Brown [NYHS].

A publication known as The British Muse does exist.
The British Muse, by John Vint, 2nd ed., T. Saint, Newcastle, 1784. Folger. wo/music


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