Forever fortune wilt thou prove
An unrelenting foe to love
And when we meet with mutual heart
Step in between & bid us part.
Bid us sigh on from day to day
And wish & wish our souls away
Till youth & genial years are flown
And all the Life of Love is gone.
But busy, busy still art thou
To bind the loveless joyless vow
The Heart from pleasure to delude
& join the gentle with the rude.
For once O fortune hear my pray'r
& I'll absolve thy future care
All earthly blessings I'll resign
Make but the dear Amanda mine.

Song, by James Thomson (Sep 1700 - 27 Aug 1748)
James Thomson was a Scottish poet
educated at the Abbey at Jedburgh and
at Edinburgh University. He traveled to London,
and was able to develop his reputation there,
at one point having as his patron the prince of Wales.
When the trees are all bare not a leaf to be seen
And the meadows their beauty have left
When all nature is rob'd of her mantle of green
And the rivers are bound by the frost.
While peasant inactive stands shiv'ring with cold
As bleak the winds northerly blow
And the innocent lambs haste away to the fold
With their fleeces all cover'd with snow.
And the lads & the lasses in company's join
In crowds round hte Embers to gaze
Talk of fairies and witches taht ride in the winds
& of ghosts till they're all in amaze.
The birds to the barn doors come hov'ring for food
Or they silently sit on each spray
& the poor timid hare hastes away to the wood
Lest their footsteps their course should betray.
Heav'n grant in that season it may be my lot
With the lass whom I love and admire
When the icicles hang from the eves of our cot
We in safety may thither retire.
Where in peace & in plenty & free from surprise
We may live and no hardships endure
Nor feel any Turbulent passions arise
But such as each other can cure.
Anonymous Ballad Sheet