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Of Miss Lucille Mulhall on the Roping Contest

Coffeyville Daily Journal, 14 Sep 1905

In roping contest of Inter-State and Territorial expositioon, September 8, 9 and 10, 1905.

State of Kansas, Montgomery County, ss.

Lucille Mulhall, being first duly sworn, upon oath says: That she was a particpant and did participate in the roping contest given by the Inter-State and Territorial exposition near Coffeyville, Kansas, September 8, 9 and 10, 1905; and that in said roping contest various and divers persons were entered and participated in said contest. And that upon each of said days this affiant did successfully rope and tie a steer, and that the aggregate time assumed by her in the three days in catching and tying the three steers was threee (3) minutes and thirty-four (34) seconds, as reported by the judges of said contest. And upon each of said days she successfully roped and tied the steer in the manner prescribed by the rules and regulations governing said contest and at no time did the steer which she roped have its foot in a loop and especially the steer roped on the 10th day of September, 1905, of which the attention of the officers of the Inter-State and Territorial Exposition Company was called, but was roped in the manner by which the rules prescried; and that the said steer did not have its foot in a loop but was roped around the head and neck and was in that condition when the steer was tied by this affiant. After the said steer was tied, the same being done on the opposite end of the exposition grounds from the place where the cattle pens were located, it was some minutes before Henry Starr reached said steer. Affiant further says that after said steer had been successfully roped and tied and she had made signal of the successful tieing of said steer she observed that her horse was pulling back on the rope and that the rope was so adjusted that it was choking the steer, and she then went to the horse for the purpose of slacking the rope; and if the said steer at any time had its foot in the rope it was after the street had been successfully tied and after the signal had been given; affiant further says that at no time was any part of the loop around the leg of the steer, but if any loop was around the steer's foot at all it was occasioned by the loosening of the cord that was choking the steer. Affiant further says that when Henry Starr reached said steer this affiant was looking at said steer and did not see any rope around or near its foot or legs and that the said Henry Starr informed this affiant that the steer was alright and did not mentiion to this affiant that there was anything wrong in the adjustment of the cords or the condition of the tieing of said steer.

And further affiant saith note.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13gth day of September, 1905.
(SEAL)          J. M'CREARY,
Notary Public.
My commission expires March 23, 1907.

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